chapter 7

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6 months later

takes place 2 days before ezra gets his kyber crystal.

its been 6 months since ezra joined the crew and kanan has been starting jedi training with him ezra doesn't know that im a jedi yet, but i have been watching them train he's getting along with it well but lacks focus, i remember when we went to save master unduli but that was a trick by the grand inquisitor we barely escaped since then he's gotten better learning from kanan but im pretty sure that kanan is losing patience, i start walking up to kanan and ask for a word of course he looks to ezra keep practicing we walk away from ezra.

Kanan i think its time for us to go to the lothal jedi temple are you sure jesse he replies back to me well he has been getting better but if you really want to make sure he can become a jedi we have to go, i know ever since he made that connection to the darkside it scares me i know kanan  will you come with us to the temple,that would mean telling him that i'm a jedi i think its time to tell him ok ill tell him when we get there ill go prep the phantom.

I start walking towards the phantom sabine asks me if we could talk i walk into our room and i say whats up bine its about ezra jess what about him he keeps trying to flirt with me i begin to laugh for a few seconds then she punches me in the arm its not funny jess its starting to annoy me ok ok ill talk to him i give her a quick kiss kanan ezra and i are going to the lothal jedi temple so we wont be back until later ok we hug and i leave and continue to prep the phantom i see ezra begin to walk in wheres kanan i ask hes coming he had to talk to hera ok.

Now i need to talk to you about something sure whats up sabine what about her the constant flirting whats it to you she's single not exactly how so have you ever wondered where my room is no why he says back its because i sleep in sabines room why because she and i are together wait what since when a we have been together for a couple of years oh i didnt know well you do now i thought she could handle you but trust me i fell for her the same way, wait you did yea trust me ezra there's a girl out there in the galaxy for you ok he says back so are we cool yea were cool mate and we shake hands you might wanna strap in.

20 minutes later.

we finally arrive at the temple and we exit and ezra asks me sorry to ask this but why is jesse here kanan he's not a jedi i smile and i ignite my purple lightsaber he stares at it i am a jedi kid how he asks me i trained with my father for 8 years and i was knighted then he died 2 days after im sorry its not your fault but why didn't you train me instead of kanan no offence i laugh its because i wasnt ready to train anyone and i already knighted kanan so he is your master as for me i can help train and spar thats about it, we start walking towards the temple this is the temple ezra says looks like a rock yea its meant to be focus on lifting the temple up and don't lose focus we dont want it coming down on us.

Both kanan and ezra begin lifting the temple and we walk inside and met with jedi skeletons and ezra yells the temple begins shaking you lost focus sorry hard to do that when there are dead bodies what are we doing here anyway, kanan begins to speak back on that moon you made a dangerous connection to the darkside this is a test what kind of test kanan, ezra replies to see if you can become a jedi i thought i was one already no i said you had the potential to become one what must i do walk through that door lets go kanan and i look at each other and he says were not coming what do you mean you must face with alone ezra trust yourself trust the force, and the door closes, do you think he'll pass i sigh we must trust the force my friend i sense something is guiding him but i don't know what.

20 minutes later

so that was master Yoda the holocron my father gave me had many training simulations and information and guidance from many Jedi our conversation was cut short when Ezra returned so how did you go i had help i look to kanan master yoda yep he gave me this and he shows us a  kyber crystal huh i wasn't expecting that what is it ezra kanan begins that's a kyber crystal what does it do you can make your own light saber lets go back,

3 days later 

as soon as we got back from the temple ezra apologized to sabine for the constant flirting and told her i didn't know, then after that he  began construction on his saber and he came out and was ready to show us he show it to me hmm  its a unique design fire it up i stand next to sabine and he ignites it to reveal a blue saber.

so guys sorry for the late update been busy with family and work let me know what you think of this story and what do you think about the long chapters if its to much don't be afraid to speak up.

and remember the force will be with you always       


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