chapter 14

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3 months later

After season 3 starts

Darkness was all that I saw,then a light my thoughts were running a hundred miles an hour.

Was I dead was I one with the force
No it couldn't i tried blinking my eyes and I groaned, take it easy captain shields.

Where am I

You in the med bay on chopper base
The doctor replies

What happened

You don't remember

I remember passing out then waking up here,

perhaps I can explain that a familiar voice says

Kanan am i glad to hear your voice same here my friend,

I can't see i tell him I started to panic,

Whoa take it easy captain allow me,

I begin to feel the bandages being taken off my eyes by the doctor,

The damage wasn't life threatening

So I'm going to look at your eyes


She began examining my eyes

It seems that you got very lucky any closer and you wouldn't be seeing.

Thank you doctor i will take it from here kanan says

Alright just take it easy

I open my eyes to see kanan with a mask on and a beard,

Oh my God where did that thing come from i ask referring to his beard,

He laughs

You've been out for along time jesse

How long i ask with a gulp

You've been asleep for 3 months


are you kidding me,

Im afraid that I'm not joking jesse,

Whats happened where's Sabine,

Calm down she's fine its been tough for her for everyone,

Where is everyone

They're currently on a mission to rescue Hondo, they should be back in a couple of hours.

Then I look at my arm to see a replacement attached

it was the only colour they had kanan began to explain a simple black colour Sabine has been wanting to paint it for ages but she decided to wait until you wake up,

I laugh at that

How long did it take before she decided that

about a month


How's ezra been taking all of this i ask

Sigh he blames himself for what happend to ahsoka and us

Its not his fault, it wasn't in his control
I knew trusting maul was a bad idea.

I try to get up from the medical bed  but couldn't very well ,

Here let me help

And he helps me up and helps me walking

i need a shower

Yea you do

We both cracked up

We head to the barracks,kanan used the force to grab the clothes that were on a side table for me to wear.

10 minutes later

After I was finished with the shower I felt so much better

Feel like some training to get you back to where you were

Yes that would be good

And we went through training 

For the next few hours we trained to get me back up to speed and we see a familiar ship we've called home we stopped training and bowed to each other.

As the ghost lands i see a colourful mandalorian sprinting towards me

5 minutes ago

Sabine's pov

We rescued hondo from that prison planet still couldn't beleive we had to rescue him

But it didn't matter we needed him for the intel for the rebellion,

We got back to the base and i was in the cockpit with hera flying and me in the passengers seat when all of a sudden I hear,

Is that who I think it is

I look up to see kanan and the love of my life,my heart training.

my eyes swell up and im on the verge of tears when I race out of the cockpit down into the storage area,

then I jump off the ramp not even before the ghost has landed, that I race with all haste to the one I love and hug him with all my strength and kiss him with so much passion,

Back to my pov

I grab sabine in my arms and swing her around while kissing her i just realised that she grew and changed her hair,

I've missed you so much cyrika said sabine

I stare into her eyes

What is it

You just look so beautiful and you changed your hair again

You dont like it

I love it you got taller to

I kiss her head I've missed you sabine

I have to jess

ni kar'tayli gar darasuum sabika

ni kar'tayli gar darasuum Jessika

(Ok i don't know if that works or not)

Then everyone else comes over

Your awake jesse says hera

Its good to see you all

It not been the same without you mate says zeb

I bet it hasn't i reply back

So now will you paint my arm sabine

Her eyes are full of joy

Really she says then squeals ill go get my paints,

I've made a mistake haven't I

Everyone of the crew laughs

Its good to see the crew happy again and all together,

I wonder what the next step of our lives will be.

Then it hits me

A vision


Pictures of Places

And a sword

I return back to reality with everyone standing over me

Ah I hate having those

You had a vision didnt you kanan asks


What was it about

Nothing important at the moment

I whisper

I hope

Ok guys hope you enjoyed i really should update more sorry for the wait, send me a message on what you would like me to create either a story or one's shot stories.

And remember the force will be with you always

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