chapter 2

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for 2 years i survived on my home planet of earth attacking imperial storm troopers taking down checkpoints even freeing food for the helpless that the empire wouldn't help thinking that they  they were expendable.

But one day i sensed something was off i followed the feeling atop of the rooftops and found that there was a firefight between a man a lasat and storm troopers, then i see 20 meters away that there was a mandalorian girl surrounded by troopers she was on the ground with what looked to be a blaster wound on her side the troopers were about to finish her off when i leap into the air and ignite my purple dual sabers ( my light saber can come apart and make 2 blades to be dual wield) and scream aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! and land on the ground in front of the girl and make a dust storm that surrounds the area, then the screams of storm troopers can be heard drawing the attention of the other troopers fighting the man and lasat.

After i finished the troopers that were around the mando girl i immediately charged at the other soldiers with my blades in reveres grip (like star killer) surprising the man who gasped another survivor and they jut watch in awe that this mandalorian cuts down dozens of troops at will, as i finished the last of them i ran back to the girl and lifted her up and said hold onto me i could sense her slight blush but didn't say anything, then i took her to her friends who were still processing on hat just happened they stopped when they saw their friend in my arms they looked worried i ask them do you have a ship i can take her to the man said yes follow me, he asks me how did you survive the purge i reply i was never part of the jedi order my father was but he passed years ago but he knighted me days before he died whats your name he asks Jesse, Jesse shields.

so guys hope you enjoyed the chapter good to be back any things you want me to do different with my work 

just remember the force will be with you always.        

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