chapter 3

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while we were walking back to their ship the man told me that he was also a Jedi and that he was a survivor of order 66 his master had died protecting him, he was a padawan and never had been knighted,Once we reached their ship we were greeted by a green Twi'lek and a droid, she looked upset and very worried i walked up to her and asked where would you like me to put her just here she says to me and points to a stretcher in the medical room.

I follow the Twi'lek into the medical room and place her onto it and she begins to examine her  how is she i ask she should be fine it looks like her Armour absorbed the shot but hell have a scratch that's a relief then she notices the light sabers your a Jedi aren't you yes the names Jesse shields, my name is Hera that's kanan, zeb and my droid chopper, and this is Sabine as Hera removes her helmet i say wow in my head shes beautiful.

I've gotta go see ya round as i turn and leave wait says kanan you could join our crew we could use your help and you could help me train and Sabine would have a mandalorian friend, i begin to think could i really leave my home its still under the empires grip but then i realize if i stay and keep doing what I've been doing its would get even harder, yes i would like to join you excellent but ill need to grab some things from my place first of course kanan replies Hera heads to the cockpit and flies us to my house, kanan and zeb followed me and we enter my home over here they grab boxes that i point to and i open a box that had a jedi holocron that my father had.

we leave my home and return to the ghost and i'm given a room (in this kanan and Hera are together and are in the same room that's why i get the other room) and i begin to set up my stuff and pull the holocron out and pass it to kanan never knew you had this Jesse it was my fathers i used it to train hopefully it will help you in contains all the forms of light saber combat nice and they leave i walk into the med bay and sit down on a chair next to Sabine this i gonna be one hell of an adventure.


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