chapter 9

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hi guys sorry for taking so long on updating anything been dealing with covid 19 and trying to stay safe, this is 3 days after may the 4th be with you sorry bout that ill try my best to continue updating as much as possible.

and without further ado here's chapter 9

The ride to concord dawn was a quiet one Sabine and i weren't happy about this one bit but kanan had a point we need allies no matter what.

It took us 1 hour to get there we snuck onto the planet and chopper dropped us off behind a cliff that over looks the base we sit up upon a hill overlooking the base while sabine and i look through our rangefinders, kanan asks what are we up against, sabine replies to him well including the 8 star fighters on patrol 22  ships in total ( for story purposes i'm making the protectors bigger then what they are with 50 warriors). but their spread out so it will take awhile for jesse and i to plant charges i think i brought enough, kanan sighs you always bring enough explosives i chuckle at that now get down we have company as kanan says that a lambda shuttle lands on the base and we lay down on our stomachs not to be seen.

looks like the empire bought their loyalty kanan begins see the mandalorian accepting the credits that's their leader fen rau, he's dead when i'm through with him easy jess not yet she said as sabine and i could hear the conversation through our rangefinders (not actually sure if that's right or not but what the heck) here is the payment for this rotation the officer started this arrangement is working toward your benefit rau replied, i encountered a squadron of rebels the rebel fleet the officer exclaimed not an entire fleet just a couple fighters but my men and i took care of them if they return be sure to contact us with that he nods and leaves.

Well this just got interesting i say sounds like your negotiations are gonna go great, whats the plan if diplomacy doesn't work sabine asks give me a chance to recruit the mandalorians, if not then you get to blow up their ships do we have a deal, i sigh fine not just the ships rau has to pay for what he did to hera, kanan sighs let hope that doesn't come to that we start to head off of the cliff and get closer to the base avoiding the protectors.

Go plant your bombs but wait for my signal alright sabine and i split off from kanan hey i trust you guys and we continue sabine gives some bombs and we split up and head to different ships ok you take those ships on the right  and ill take the other ones ok bine be careful we shared a look and i went left and she went right,

 while i was sneaking under the ships I bumped my head on one of the wings and made a loud noise what was that a guard said and i quickly hid so i couldn't be found once they were gone i sighed in relief and spot another place to put a bomb then all of a sudden i hear a gun load,

how's it going fella's and i was surrounded where did you steal that Armour from bounty hunter bounty hunter i say back not likely i forged this Armour with my family that's a bold claim whats your house and clan, i'm clan shields house vizla they look shocked when i said clan shields and brought their weapons down for a moment then one guard said house vizla he's deathwatch traitor my mother was but i'm not, i came here to settle a score and i invoke the code to seek justice through single combat, no one's invoked the code since the empire took over well who's in charge here mandalore or the empire.

A guard walks away most likely to get rau i sense Sabine and i can see where she is she looks at me and i can tell she's worried then kanan walks out Jesse i thought we had an agreement they started it dammit rau begins to speak why do you call out your enemy to the death,i call out you fenn rau your gonna pay for what you did to Hera while taking off my helmet.

just like i said you rebels fight battles you can't win i assume this Hera is the one i shot down earlier i guess she didn't make it shes alive barely i give him death glare he chuckles iv'e got to admit this is an interesting development one of you came her to befriend me the other to kill me, we cant let you attack our fleet but we'd rather leave here as friends, he's not my friend kanan, hera wouldn't want you making enemies and she wouldn't want you to die oh i'm not planning on dying who are you boy, rau asks me i'm Jesse shields son of Jane shields he looks at me shocked and takes his hands off his blasters and says i know your mother jesse at those words i was shocked.

how i ask  she was my best friend for along time she actually introduced me to you when you were born and i know what you are jedi as of that moment rockets began firing our way kanan and i concentrate and force push the rockets away whats going on we're under attack it has to be clan saxon he wants me dead rau talks into his com link all warriors prepare for battle i hold his arm this isn't over rau we will talk after this battle i promise you Jesse.

ok guys hope you enjoyed let me know what you think 

and remember the force will be with you always   


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