chapter 15

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1 month later

After the destruction of reklam station ezra was suspended which was a little rough but he disobeyed orders so i saw the point. sabine and i had been relaxing in our room painting and enjoying the peace as much as we can, though might not be much but its worth it every time.

The vision i saw kept coming. seems the force is trying to tell me something also i found out that  ezra had kept the sith holocron from malachor. kanan told me about a creature called the bendu, the one in the middle of both forces of light and dark, ezra kanan and i went to talk to him about ezra seeing maul, we turned around and turns out maul was there.

this is a strange place so remote, oh yes the empire will have a difficult time finding you here we ignite our saber, you think i came here to fight, came here to speak to my apprentice maul spoke.

he's not your apprentice

yet maul said back

how did you find us maul i said to the former sith lord,

when ezra had disconnected the link between the holocrons you mixed the information you learned what I wanted to know and you learned what wanted you know.

but there were fragments memories that I saw

like the location of our base ezra said 

yes very good you do learn fast said maul 

I can't make sense of what I saw I couldn't explain it even if I could 

well that is why I am here to extract that knowledge but you must come with me

your not walking out of here in one piece kanan spoke

I have planted a beacon nearby strike me down and it will activate revealing your base to the empire.

damn he's got us cornered i spoke to myself

you have knowledge that is rightfully mine, and I can tell you how to defeat the sith.

alright says ezra

kanan deactivates his saber and pulls him back a moment  

you are not doing this ezra 

but its the only way trust me

I do not like this but we really don't have a choice do we,

alright maul we have a deal replied ezra,

maul looks to his ship descending and I place a hand on Ezra's shoulder good luck ezra and they walk of into the ship.

I've got a bad feeling about this jesse 

not for long you won't 

and whys that, kanan said back 

I pull out the tracker beacon

you put a tracker on ezra

yep now we will know where he's going lets go get him.

20 minutes later

We got back to base and I walked into Sabine's and my room as she was painting on her wall she turns to me,

you ok jess

I'm fine bine just gotta go save ezra again

what do you mean 

he left with maul

why would he do that

cause he thinks that maul can show him the answers he seeks to destroy the sith.

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