chapter 12

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3 hours later

Ezra, Kanan, Ahsoka and i finally arrive at malachor,

i don't know, but i trust master yoda there's something here for us, yea ezra begins something to help us stop the inquisitors, knowedge ahsoka says, as we get closer toward the planet i don't like the looks of this i say.

kanan lands the phantom next to some pillars, and we head towards it, ahsoka starts reading the writing on the pillar and of course ezra had to touch it then the pillar make a noise ah of course as we begin to fall, 

we fell about 50 metres i fall to the ground and do a combat roll forward to move away from the falling rocks,what is that ezra says then i see it, its a sith temple ahsoka says, we continue on then we start seeing bodies made of stone,

the ground looks scorched ezra begins then notices the lightsaber and another then picks one up and ignites it, the top blade ignite then the sides,(yes its the cross blade lightsaber that kylo ren has) this was a battlefield, it looks like at one point the jedi attacked the temple ahsoka says and the jedi one right ezra said back,

from what we can see no one did, we should keep moving i tell them, well if you ask me this whole planet is a riddle, so if its a riddle whats the question kanan says back to him,

why is kanan being such a then was cut of by a light saber ah kanan get down then blocks the strike and pushes the inquisitor back we all ignite our light sabers i could sense the inquisitors shock 4 jedi.

We chase after him then he fires 3 little rockets towards us take cover ahsoka yells ezra and i duck behind a statue, the rockets hit the statue and the ground underneath us caves and we go down ahh kanan ezra screams ezra kanan screams back, go after the inquisitor we'll catch up i tell them.

yea we'll catch up ezra says soon as we can find out where we are,

i know where you are a voice says we both look towards the figure,your with me we both ignite our blades, please put your weapons away i mean you no harm, stay back!!

the figure keeps walking to us, stay back i'm warning you old man forgive me its just iv'e been alone for so long since iv'e spoken to anyone,

 we look around you live here in the dark i say to him, no by choice my ship crashed i'm trapped marooned iv'e had to scrape and scrounge to survive, look im sorry i wish we could help you but we need to get back to our friends perhaps i can help you id doubt that, why are you here the man asks us we're not going to to tell you,

you came for the same thing i did years ago you seek knowledge we look at each other then back at the man its in the temple isn't it i ask him, and i know the secret way to get inside but i'm to old i need help to open the door, whats inside asks ezra help me and find out.

show us this doorway please this way he offers you first i say pointing my blade at him do you  not trust me we don't now you well then lets change that the man says call me old master and you i whisper to ezra don't tell him your real name he could be a spy,ezra says call me jabba then he looks to me call me max come then old master says we follow along iv'e got a bad feeling about this.

15 minutes later 

how much longer ezra asks you worry about your friends, of course we do we have to get back to them they need our help, yes and with good reason the inquisitor is powerful i look back at the man you know about the inquisitor he is my enemy all of the inquisitors are my enemy as are their masters, were you a jedi ezra asks him, uh no no but i was a force wielder long long ago,

I stare at him then your a sith i say to him, he looks back at us the sith, the sith took everything from me ripped me from my mothers arms murdered my brother used me as a weapon and then cast me aside abandoned me once i had power now i have nothing,nothing

I know how you feel ezra says the empire they took away my home and my parents and you want revenge says the man, i want justice yes and you shall have it, for i have the key to destroying the sith the temple holds secrets buried for thousands of years.

we come upon the doorway what we seek is inside how do we get inside asks ezra 2 must lift the door no more no less you seem to know alot about the sith i say, to defeat your enemy you must know your enemy even practice their beliefs yea my master wouldn't approve of that last one  then he is doomed to fail, he says back now young jedi help me ezra looks at me im not using the sith ways ezra tjen he begins to try and lift the door but is unable to,

I cant lift it its to heavy your anger is a well spring you must use it, buy jedi aren't supposed to use their emotions your passions give you strength through strength you gain power you have seen it you feel it you must break your chains,

ezra begins to move the door again only this time he is lifting it, i look on in shock and horror i say to myself i need to watch ezra closely now i could also see that he was struggling with the pull to the darkside to,

we continue on until we are met with another door then the man starts lifting the door, they continue to lift the different doors, we get through the last one and ezra fall to his knees i put a hand on his shoulder are you ok, yea i'll be fine just gotta catch my breath, unless you take risks do what must be done there will always be limits to your abilities,

seize the knowledge seize the power do not become like me jabba then ezra does the unthinkable and tells the man his real name my names ezra my real name, real name the man replies yes i had a real name long ago i don't remember but now,

now i am called maul and he removes his hood my eyes widen but i don't fully show it my dad warned me about him, the zabrak was know as darth maul in the clone wars he was obsessed with once specific jedi obi wan kenobi

 i must be cautious he may try and take ezra as an apprentice i wont let that happen. it we are met with a sith holocron, that was the key of course it was i say in my head  maul began to speak behold the key its a holocron ezra says you know of them maul asked surprised yea my master has one of them, but its different because this one is a sith holocron one that holds all their secrets.

i don't know if you've noticed Ezra but there's a chasm to cross then throw me you kidding right nope you've seen us do it ill jump you force push me there we need the holocron max to defat the sith, i sigh fine get ready ezra gets ready to run, go he sprints off and jumps as far as he can then i force push him the rest of the way he makes the jump, 

he makes his over and grabs the holocron then the place starts to shake and the floor beneath ezra begins to rise upwards, jump ezra i yell, i won't make it i will catch you trust me he then jumps and i use the force to catch him and bring him back onto the ledge we were standing on and head for a door that leads to back up to the normal floor we were on before,i pull ezra to the side what is it jesse he asks me, you need to be careful ezra he is telling you about the sith,

the thing we stand against you are starting to fall for what makes a sith, what are you talking about, you just told him your hate for the empire what they did, he is leading you to a place you should not go the darkside how do you know? he was a sith, my father told me about him just incase i ever ran into him to be on guard and trust my guidance as a jedi knight and what iv'e seen you 2 do, you must stay true and stay weary and trust in the force but don't fully trust him this can go bad very quickly if we are not careful i understand he says good we continued on and the door we were heading for,opened and lead us to ahsoka kanan and the 4 inquisitors (adding another inquisitor to make it even the 9th sister) ezra and i ignite our lightsabers and charge ahead, ahsoka kanan we brought help the door closes then ahsoka looks towards us and says maul in a surprised look like she's met him before, the shadow says the 8th brother,

what fun what fun says maul, so the rumors are true darth maul lives formerly darth now just maul ezra stay away from him its ok kanan he's on our side, perhaps my actions will speak louder than words said maul he ignites his staff to reveal a double bladed saber, why are you here says the 7th sister he know's of the artifact the 5th brother replies to her where is it she says you will find out soon enough.

ok guys big chapter was going to go all the way through twilight of the apprentice but thought to stop it here since it was getting big hope yur liking the chapters let me know if you would like me to create any fanfics that you would like to see.

and with that said the force will be with you always        

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