chapter 8

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1 year later

3rd person pov

After we managed to save kanan from tarkin's star destroyer and the death of the grand inquisitor we met ahsoka tano code name fulcrum turns out she was the apprentice of anakin skywalker, the chosen one we also joined pheonix squadron with the dislike of kanan, while we were on lothal we fought against the sith lord darth vader  we managed to escape barely and returned to the fleet and were engaged by vader again and tore the fleet to pieces, after that we met captain rex, commander wolf and commander Gregor kanan wasn't happy to see clone troopers after what happened to his master during order 66.

after we returned to the fleet again after the battle with kallus and the at at walkers we started searching for a planet that could work as a base, we finally found one but it was home to krykna spiders turns out that they were sensitive to our sensor beacons, so we used those as a defense against them.

It started getting harder to hit the empire so we started looking for new allies sabine and hera were going to concord dawn and ask the protectors for safe passage as i walked along with sabine i told her to be careful she tell me i will i wish i could go with you but i'm not such a good pilot, sabine replies i know jess be safe i love you and we kiss then she hops into her a wing and took off. 

2 hours pass and sabine returns im on the comms talking to her sabine what happened where's hera? i don't know she says the hera comes out of hyperspace oh my god sabine says what is it its hera's ship is not good jess i yell i need a repair team to collect captain syndulla's ship they get her ship on the ground and the medics rush her to surgery kanan's in a panic trying to get to her i pull him back and he turns to me get out of my way jesse your not helping kanan let them do their job he continues to try to get passed me is this what hera would want you panicking no she would want you to relax and calm down he starts to calm down he's lucky i didn't stun him to get him to calm down.

10 minutes later

we began our way to meet with the doctors how is she doc i ask she's going to be fine we gave her some sedatives so she'll be asleep for some time thanks i look to sabine who's next to hera holding her hand who did this bine, she looks at me and says a mandalorian named fenn rau ill have his head for this i reply and i storm out of the room in rage and head to the phantom, i hear footsteps in the phantom behind me its kanan and sabine you guys gonna stop me kanan looks like he wants to object but sabine speaks up i'm coming with to help take this guy out, we need allies said kanan these guys could be it i start moving the ship towards space and i turn to him are you nuts kanan, look what he just did to hera i know and i'm not happy either but lets do this my way first he said, i sigh fine but if hera doesn't make it he's a dead man you hear me and you will not stop me i make the jump to concord dawn.

hope you enjoyed this chapter

may the force be with you always    

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