Idk what to call this chapter

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Hi my fellow readers! Long time since I posted.I work more on my Tratie book.Now on with the story! This story takes place in Percy's cabin

The seven plus Reyna and Nico were having a karaoke night.When It was Leo's turn this happened.


"Hey that's my song!" A girl burst through the door."Are you guys from the Capitol or something? You don't look like you are from the Capitol" She asked.

"Are you Katniss Everdeen?" Annabeth asked

"Yes.Why?" Katniss asked

"Nothing just a big fan" Annabeth managed to say

"Girl,it's my song.Can you burst on fire?" Leo said

"No.But I'd like to see you try" Katniss said with competition in her voice.

"She just said the wrong thing" Piper mumbled

"What did you say? You look like a girl who cares only about beauty" Katniss said

"You did not just say that" Piper said reaching for Katropis (how do you spell it?)

"Piper.Calm" Jason said

Piper toke a deep breath and said with charmspeak laced through her words "Why are you here Katniss?"

"That boy was singing MY song.And I'd like to see you burst on fire" Katniss crossed her arms

"OK Leo" Piper said turning in his direction

At that moment Leo burst in flames.

"Now your turn" Leo said with a mischievous smile

"You win it's your song" Katniss said with much difficulty

"YAAASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" Leo shouted

And that's how the song became known as Leo's song

Sorry peeps for not updating I am working more on my Tratie book and I am running out of ideas! Message me ideas!


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