Ask the demigods part 3

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To the seven Nico and Thalia which monster would you fight for eternity: A gorgon,Fury or the Minotaur?

Percy: I really don't want to fight the Minotaur again

Annabeth: A gorgon

Percy: Fury

Annabeth: You want to fight that again?

Percy: Yup

Piper: Hmm I guess a gorgon

Jason: I want to fight the Minotaur

Percy: You mean the monster that I fought two times?

Jason: Yup! Wait what?

Leo: Probably a Fury

Piper: Probably?

Hazel: Gorgon

Frank: Have you guys realized that all the girls have chosen gorgon?

Percy: I just realized

Hazel: When you said it I realized

Frank: Anyway I would fight a Fury

Nico: The Minotaur


Nico: Oh please just because you fought it two times doesn't make it your monster

Percy: But it is my monster

Annabeth: Stop acting like a three year old!

Thalia: I would fight a fury

Piper and Annabeth: Now let's hope that the monsters don't come

*a fury appears* *a gorgon appears*

Everybody: SCHIST


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