Chapter 23: Jesse Marlon

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If you told me this morning that Vincent would be kissing me, I would've laughed at you. But that hardly matters. As of now, nothing mattered, today's events hardly mattered, work, any worries that I had seemed to disappear and I couldn't even comprehend them anymore. His lithe body in my arms, his soft lips moving with mine, and the gentle way his hands roamed my arms; was all that I could focus on.

Before I knew it, Vincent was pulling away, reluctantly by the way his lips lingered an inch away from mine. I wanted to pull him back, whine, and growl just to have his heat back. But his words stopped me, "We should talk." It was never good to hear those words, but what he had to say couldn't be bad. Right? He kissed me, he wouldn't have done that if he planned on giving me bad news. Right?

Noticing his shy yet expectant gaze, I snapped out my thoughts and listened. "I know this is badly timed, but I like you." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, relief flooded my chest but I was going to let him finish what he had to say. " I'm scared of the reactions we'll get, but I want to be with you if you'll still have me." I could tell he had more to say but he looked nervous as he looked down at our hands that weren't quite touching but were resting side by side.

I heard him draw in a breath, " And I'm guessing you're not ready to come out either, " I nodded in agreement. All my life I'd been taught and told that I'd date girls, be popular with girls, and marry a girl, it'd take some getting used to say that instead, I want to do those things with a guy. I'm still not even sure of my sexuality, I could just be bi and call it a day but that didn't sit right with me. For now, I liked who I liked and I didn't need a label just yet. Vincent was still talking and I hung on to every word he uttered.


Last night was intense. We fell asleep together on the couch, and needless to say, the talk went well. In between our kisses, the longing for each other, and the occasional grinding. We agreed to keep our relationship secret only telling who we trusted, and not let it get in the way of our work. Vincent was adamant about not letting our feelings distract us and affect our work. We're taking this as slow as possible, seeing as this relationship is full of firsts for us.

       I woke up to a sleeping angel, Vincent seemed so relaxed and carefree I couldn't bring myself to disturb him. Instead, I ever so carefully rose from my position on the couch, I was going to make breakfast. Getting up was difficult and left my shoulders sore, but it was fine as long as I didn't wake Vincent. I tried to silently walk to the kitchen, emphasis on tried.

My right foot collided with the foot of the couch with an audible thud and a fiery explosion of pain erupted in my toes, "fuck!" I exclaimed with a yelp as I bent to clutch at my toes. This had Vincent jolt up, and with hazy eyes, he assessed the situation of me clutching my foot and the slightly different position of the couch.

"Are you ok?" He purred, his voice raspy from sleep, and his eyelids were still heavy with sleep as he tried to force them open. His hair that was usually styled meticulously was mussed and pointed every which way. And my t-shirt hung dangerously low around his shoulders showing off his collar bones, that I wish I marked. It was beautiful, to say the least.

"Yeah. Go back to sleep, Sweetness." He seemed to nod but that may have just been him dozing off, either way, he grabbed the blanket that had fallen to the floor and snuggled into it.

His heavy breathing resumed, my pain dissipated, and I was off to make us some breakfast.


Breakfast was done within the hour and I had made my famous pancakes with sausage, bacon, eggs, hash browns. I had even cut up various fruits for fruit salad. I was proud of my efforts.

Excited for Vincent to taste my food, I hurried over to where he laid on the couch and tapped his shoulder. He didn't move. "Vincent, I made breakfast get up before the food gets cold, " I said with the shaking of his shoulder. He stirred slightly but made no move to get up. Huffing, I place my hands on either side of his face squeeze his cheeks so he looks like a goldfish. Even still I couldn't help but admire him more as the sun filtered in more since I'd woken up.

His skin wasn't pale it had some pigment but he wasn't dark. His lips were a dusky shade of pink and I couldn't help but run and gently press my thumb over his plush lips. I just wanted him to try my food, but I couldn't resist the unconscious pout he gave me, when I shook him again.

"Come on, you'll love it."  I say leaving him to get up on his own.

   It takes a few minutes but Vincent is soon sleepily drifting to the table, where I set up breakfast. He sits still with his eyes closed for a few seconds and I take him in again. The way he pouts reminds me of a grumpy cat expression, and it makes me snicker in amusement. He opens his eyes and stares at me in confusion.

I don't say anything I just take my seat across from him and begin to pour syrup over my pancakes. He definitely wasn't a morning person.


   I wanted to take Vincent out sightseeing today, it was one of the last free days we'd have as we got farther in the project, it was the perfect time for an impromptu first date.


I know this is late. And I always think about my next chapter; but it's hard balancing schoolwork, social obligations, and my hobbies. But I refuse to give up, and you'll be seeing me next month.

Au revoir lovelies💙

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