Chapter 19: Jesse Marlon

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During the meeting, Vincent dazzled the room remaining charming yet succinct. He was everything I wasn't. And I found myself admiring his features while he spoke; the mole just below his ear on his jaw was small and cute, his plump lower lip moved gracefully as he spoke, and his well-groomed hair looked as soft as a cloud. I heard an older gentleman sneeze and I realize I'd written things like, small and cute on my notepad. Thank God I was a darker shade 'cause I was black boy blushing.

Before I knew it the meeting was over and I was walking men out of the door with their promises to call us to work out details of their contribution. Once again Vincent had shown how capable he was compared to his lack of confidence. Finishing getting the card of a man with an ugly tie, I looked across the room to see Vincent cowering, unable to move. And the man in front of him seemed to be the reason; he was on the taller side just lanky and grossly thin but the face he was making was that of a tiger who had just cornered their prey.

I could tell Vincent needed help and I still had to clarify for him that Persia was a thing of the past. This was the perfect opportunity, I had begun to walk over to them but another guy beat me to it. I recognized him as Robert Sullivan the president of The Oisha Corporation. They did a lot of work with advertisement and they were one of the bigger fish we needed to catch for investment.

    From what I could see he scared off the gangly bitch that Vincent obviously knows. But next, he takes Vincent's hand and kisses it and I automatically don't like him anymore. Vincent doesn't pull away at first but he glances in my direction and snatches his hand away. I couldn't hear anything said between the two but I know from the slight bow Vincent does he's apologizing and thanking Robert profusely. Sick of the way Robert is looking at my partner, I strut over to insert myself into their conversation.

   "Hi, I'm Jesse Marlon, his partner," I say interrupting Sullivan with my practiced smile and greeting. He shakes my hand and we squeeze each other's hands harder than necessary, he knew what was up. But by the look on Vincent's face, he didn't have a clue. "Well I was just handing Mr. Lan my card, " he answers while taking his card out of his pocket and grabbing the pen Vincent had in hand before writing down what I know was his personal phone number.

    "Call me when you would like to talk business, mon cherie." He put the card in Vincent's pocket before walking past me with a sick smirk on his face. Vincent paled a little but not for the expected reasons I'm thinking. We watch him leave, and I noticed that I'd that the conference room was empty. "Would you like to get coffee with me?" I hear Vincent whisper as I look down at his lithe frame. Glancing at the clock, I suggest lunch instead.


   Vincent had relaxed since the incident at work yet we couldn't agree on what we wanted to eat for the life of us. He wanted something healthy and apparently, everything I suggested had too much cholesterol and trans fats. "How about MatchBox it has something for everyone there."

"What's MatchBox?" I gasp and I speed off immediately to change this boy's life.

   He orders a simple caesar salad with sprite, while I get a margherita pizza with coke. At first, we sit silently looking at out phones but this is no way to have a conversation. Reaching over the table, I steal his phone and in the scramble to get it back he almost knocks over the table we sat at. This gets at least half of the other customers to stare in curiosity at us getting Vincent to sit with an embarrassed blush.

   "I believe we both have some explaining to do." He looks at me incredulously with wide eyes. "What do I have to explain to you?" 

"Who was that guy? Why did he affect you the way he did? And did you two date?" I answer I needed to know how he hurt Vincent. He blinked twice before answering, "Hell no, I didn't date Paul. I've never had a boyfriend. He was one of my bullies in high school." I was taking a sip of my coke when he said he's never had a boyfriend making me choke in surprise.

    After a minute of me coughing and wheezing I could finally compose a response. "How have you never had a boyfriend? Aren't you like twenty-four?"


     This is going to be long dialogue so I'm splitting into two chapters. But I think I finally have an update schedule. This isn't ideal but once a month is the best I can do considering my family and school. But I will try to make this book as great as possible.

Stay Safe, Au Revoir💙

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