Chapter 15: Jesse Marlon

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   My mother died when I was a junior in high school, from breast cancer. She was the kindest and funniest individual I knew. After her funeral, life went on for my father and I but you could tell a little bit of our joy was gone. I never thought my dad would find a woman he loved as much as my mom, he never dated or even hinted that he was sexually active, not that I wanted to know if my father was having sex or not. It was all business for him and pleasure for me.

    I drowned myself in alcohol, weed, and sex. My father took to staying long days and nights at work. Seeing Ms. Lan kiss my father, even if it was just a peck on the cheek was a wake-up call for me. I think we often forget that our parents are people with needs too, but I didn't give two flying fucks about my dad's needs at that moment.

I rushed out of my car not even bothering to close the door, and I hastily stride in anger to my father's motionless figure. "What about mom?" I exclaimed grabbing his finely pressed shirt collar. Did he just forget about her? Was he replacing her with Ms. Lan? I had a million more questions swarming my head, but he came out of his daze and gave me a hard glare. "Why aren't you working?" Wrenching from my grip.

"Fuck work, are you dating Ms. Lan?" I was livid and I needed answers, "Boy no, I don't know what that was." Seeing that he was answering truthfully by the lack of his tell, I relaxed ever so slightly. But I got curious, "Are you dating someone right now?" I saw the slight quirk of his lip before he denied it, "Don't fucking lie, Dad!"

"First of all, who the hell are you talking to? Secondly, say I was seeing someone so what?" After that, I heard the sound of a car starting and I turned to see Vincent in his car, pulling out of his parking space and driving down to the exit. "Were y'all together?" My father inquires while I watch the car drive away. I could only imagine what Vincent was going through right now after seeing his mom in the way. "I think I deserve an explanation before you can ask me anything."

     My father leads me to his office and on the way, I once again spot my assistant flirting, but this time with my father's assistant, Darnell. "You really should fire that girl, she isn't fit for the work place with all that flirting." I scoffed, "I'm not really sure you should be judging her, when your business partner just kissed you." He remains silent until we finally make to his office. I remain standing as my father sits behind his desk in the large leather chair. Sighing he began to explain the situation to me.

"Look, I'm not interested in Laura, but I did kind of flirt with her a little to get her to sign off on some agreements in our contracts." I suppose my father was what some people would call a DILF, as much as I hated to admit that my father had a jaw line that could kill, eyes dark and brooding, a nice figure since he kept in shape, and a domineering aura you couldn't shake off. "Then who are you dating?"

He almost looked nervous and my dad only looked remotely nervous, when the doctors told my mother she had cancer. "Son, you might want to sit down." After taking a seat on the smaller chairs across from my father, he began to confess. "I'm dating the owner of the cafe across the street."

To say I was speechless was an understatement. My father, the man who had sired me, and identified as straight his whole life, was dating a man. "Say something, J," he implored. "I support that you may like guys now, but I don't support you moving on from mom." I tried to sound as calm as possible, but I think I succeeded when he responded. "She's gone, J and I think she'd want me to be happy."

"So what's his name?" I asked setting aside my pride and replacing it with curiosity. He answered with the dumbest smirk on his face and glint in his eyes, "Jaime, but that's all you'll get out of me, since it seems that you skipped work again." Groaning I pleaded, "Can't you let me off this once? I was helping Vincent." But then I remembered Vincent. What was he thinking? I needed to explain to him, before my father could answer I jumped up and bid a quick farewell.

In that moment, I felt a lot of things and I still had more questions. But I had to get to Vincent first.


I'm thinking of doing a spin-off for Jaime and Duke (Jesse's father) once I'm done with this book.

What do you think Laura (Ms. Lan 's American name) will do if she discovers the truth about Mr. Marlon? How do you think Vincent feels about his mom kissing Mr. Marlon?

Au revoir💙

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