Chapter 28: Vincent

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   I hadn't heard from Jesse since I dropped him off at home Sunday night. It was now Tuesday morning. I wasn't mad at him like he thought. Just slightly annoyed. I know he was doing the right thing when that guy insulted me, and I appreciate it. But this isn't the first time he's had to help me. I was feeling embarrassed when that weirdo said something. And the feeling only got worse when Jesse and I fought. I was utterly humiliated, and too prideful to go explain myself and apologize.

  I couldn't take the day off as I wanted. So I decided to work from my hotel room today to avoid seeing Jesse at work. Jesse got passive-aggressive when upset and it only made me more scared to talk to him. He started telling people to specifically only CC him on emails, and I'd have to go out of my way to ask them to include me too. Even though we were partners in our position. I'd also see him march past my office door through the tall but thin glass window on the side and he'd loudly ask my assistant to make him copies. It wasn't Daniel's job to cater to Jesse, but he couldn't exactly say no either. I didn't step in like I should have because whenever I got involved with Jesse and Daniel they fought like cats for my attention.

If I was to be angry about anything, it's his behavior the last few days. It reminded me of when we first met. He was being an asshole. I looked up English curse words after I'd forgotten them in the Ferris Wheel that day and practiced using them for that guy at the carnival. But he was entirely right to feel pissed off at me. I worked through the day trying not to think about our fight. I even found some suitable options for my new place. I was making great progress after lunch when I got an email from Jesse. It said the subject was, "Hey...." That wasn't a proper subject. Why'd he email me?

Luckily as I opened the email I saw the answer.


I'm emailing you because I gave my assistant my phone. So I wouldn't call you. And I told her not to give it to me until the end of the day. But now as I write this email I realize that I should've asked her to take my laptop too.

I giggle at that and continued reading.

I'm sorry that I've been a shithead lately. But we need to talk, face to face. So I can properly apologize and we can explain ourselves. If you want we can meet at the hotel. Just let me know how and when you want to do this.

I write back telling him to meet me here as soon as work ended, leaving out that I missed him. I immediately take a shower to freshen up and pull on a cute sweatsuit so I would look like I didn't care what I looked like. But I would still be hot. I work for the next four hours anticipating his visit.
     I finally got the call from Jesse that he was outside. And I went to go let him in. I kept a neutral face when I saw him in the lobby; keeping in mind that he's been very rude lately. Only sparing him a greeting when we made eye contact. I wanted to hug him or just touch him in some way, but I held it back as I led him to my room.

I open the door and let him in before me. As I scoot through the doorway, I turn to shut and lock the door. Before I turn back around I feel his warm heavy arms wrapping around my waist. And I feel his torso meet my back in a fierce hug. "I'm sorry for being such an ass and embarrassing you at the carnival." He starts and my resolve immediately melts away. He thinks it's all his fault. He couldn't have been more wrong. As soon as I'm released I turn to face him. It's times like these where I realize how much taller than me he is, as my line of sight meets his collar.

However, My mother always said to look someone in the eye when being sincere, and I had nothing but sincerity for Jesse. I peek up at him, His face was painted in guilt and worry and it makes it hard for me to speak. He's not crying, but he's clearly distraught. I needed to apologize too. I swallow down my pride and open my mouth to speak.

"This has all been a misunderstanding, I need you to know I was embarrassed that night but not of you." I could never be embarrassed of him. "I couldn't even open my mouth to curse that guy out, and you step in like you're saving a damsel in distress." I let him know that I was thankful he did step in and that he did the right thing. Leading him by his hand to the generic seating area I continue.

"I don't feel masculine around you. I feel weak and helpless and I hate it." I explain that I know he can't be in charge of my identity and that I'm already not hyper masculine, but my frustration reached its peak that night. And he listens and relaxes as I go on. When we first sat down we sat on opposite sides of the blue leather couch, not touching. But now as I got to my apology we inched closer. He reached out first, grabbing my right hand that rested on my knee. Our palms melding into one another and our fingers interlocking seemed to help us both admit what we did wrong.

Needless to say I forgave him. For how intense it was I thought we'd been talking for an hours, yet it'd only been thirty minutes. But I missed him, and didn't want him to leave yet.

"Can you stay with me?" I was keeping my voice even so he wouldn't feel pressured to.

"I want to...-stay with you that is." He sounded nervous. "I don't have any shirts that would fit you but my baggy sweatpants might work."

The sweatpants did not fit. The pants in question were baggy on me but Jesse nearly split them at the seams; neither did they leave much to my imagination. Jesse gave off a vibe that he was confident in bed, but it was not something I needed to see yet. We agreed to forgo the pants, Jesse saying something about, "a medium is small on me." So there he was sitting on my bed in a wife beater and his boxer briefs.

Seeing him there with his legs spread in front of him and his arms propping up his torso brought images covered in lube to my head. He was so attractive it was ridiculous. We just made up, so I doubted that Jesse was in any sort of lascivious mood. I needed a distraction from him, and he wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't he saying anything? The silence was only making the thoughts louder and somehow dirtier.

"Are you ok?" I breathed out, looking anywhere but at him. Was he still upset? Those thoughts were resurfacing, but with a twist. An angry Jesse. That'd be so hot. I couldn't look at him or I'd have a problem.

After what seemed like forever, he answered in a surprisingly light tone. "Yeah, I'm just thinking. Can you come here?" He waved his hand in a hitherto motion. And I stood between his legs, being so close I thought my head would combust from the waves of heat in my ears.

   Reaching his hands to clasp the back of my neck, I was gently pulled down so that I straddled him in his sitting position. The silence was deafening, and I needed something else. I needed him to kiss me. His eyes contained a dark heat, that seared my lips whenever his gaze dropped to them. When he finally dove in for a kiss it was completely different from what the mood suggested.

    It was sweet, gentle, and the complete opposite of what I wanted at the moment. But I melted into them anyway, loving the feeling of his lips on mine and the steady tenderness that comforted me. I didn't want it to end. He was pulling away but I followed the tantalizing heat of his mouth, he kissed me once, twice, and three more times before asking in the most aggravating tone.

"Can we watch a movie, please?"

The man had no shame teasing me like that. But as horny as I now was, I relented and grabbed my laptop.

  This was hard for me to write towards the end. I was experimenting with smuttish ideas, this was pretty light. Just let me know what you think. Should I pursue smut? Once again sorry for errors

Au Revoir,🥰😍😊

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