Chapter 24: Vincent

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Nothing was going to ruin this day, we were taking a risk by deciding to be together and we wanted to enjoy the benefits for at least today. Jesse and I both turned off our phones just to bask in our mutual feelings for one another, unencumbered by the very possible disaster this all could cause.

Breakfast was amazing and I could hardly move after eating a bit of every aspect of the spread.
He wanted to take me out sightseeing today, but I was just excited to spend more time with him. There was the situation of cleaning myself, but luckily Jesse buys everything in bulk claiming that he doesn't have time to shop for necessities every few weeks. At the mention of this I bit back a comment about Americans being lazy. But living in America I'd have to get used to this kind of thing, everything being super sized.

     Embarrassingly enough I had a weird moment in the bathroom when I decided to smell his body wash and the various skincare and haircare products he owned. I would never tell him this, but I loved his hair, it seemed like one of his defining traits with the way he constantly fiddles with it when he thinks no one is watching and the many differently shaped bottles all meant to maintain and protect his hair. The sheen and curl to it mesmerized me, yet I was careful not to stare at it for too long. But enough about Jesse and his wonderful hair.

  I was wearing the same pants as yesterday but I was borrowing one of Jesse's shirts. It was an older one, therefore smaller than the rest, I still had to tuck it in my pants to make it seem fashionable on me. I was ready and just waiting on Jesse to get dressed. Without my phone or work, my mind was left to wander. This was going to be our first date, my first date with another guy; Jesse's too.

  I just hoped I looked alright in the impromptu outfit. This got my mind on my preferred choice of clothing, I haven't been feeling in the mood for cross-dressing lately; the urge came and went like the tide but I was anticipating it for any day now.

    With how nervous I was you'd think it was my first date, but I've been on numerous dates with women my mom thought I'd make a good match with. Thankfully most of them never got attached and eventually took the hint that I wasn't into them romantically or sexually.

  I couldn't let myself think of what could go wrong, I was determined not to let myself sabotage what should be a happy day. Instead, I started walking around his living room, staring at the pictures most were of him and his dad, but on one shelf there was a single framed photo of Jesse, Mr. Marlon, and a woman I could only assume to be his mother based on a smile that so resembled Jesse's. She seemed to be friendliness personified, with the light to her eyes and the crow's feet around them, I could tell she led a happy life.

   Unlike my mother, I didn't necessarily believe in a God or an afterlife, but I prayed a silent prayer for Mrs. Marlon and her family anyway.

"You ready?" I didn't hear him at all, Jesse was already grabbing his keys and putting on his shoes in the doorway. "Yeah," I murmured recovering from the somber moment I just had. We took our phones just in case but kept them off. With one last glance at the single framed photo, I followed Jesse out of his apartment.


   He looked good, he always looked good. He wore a simple red t-shirt that complimented the dark cocoa color of his skin and his toned arms. The jeans he was wearing had the classic signs of wear and tear and they just added to his look. But he was examining a sculpture that reminded me of a storm. We'd chosen the National Art Gallery as our first stop, yet it was ridiculous how I stared at Jesse instead of the art. I just couldn't look away from him for more than a minute. All I could do was follow and ogle him like an idiot.

"What do you think?" He obviously meant the rather large and foreboding sculpture in front of us, but like an idiot, I answered, "About what?" He grinned and gave me his opinion instead.

"The piece is well done but I don't think the movement within it is broad enough to capture the theme of mourning." I read the short description on the adjacent  wall, the piece was dedicated to a deceased spouse. And it was pretty much like that throughout the entire gallery.

    I didn't expect for Jesse to be into the fine arts, mostly because they're interpretive and he's very straightforward. Yet here he was explaining themes and impressionist movements like he was a curator. I loved seeing this new side to him.

"Since when are you interested in art?" I asked to break our awkward silence as we waited for a table at a nearby restaurant. We went to about three other museums before stopping here, and Jesse didn't seem half as excited at the others. So I began wondering what made art so special. It was kind of busy, and people chattered all around us, but he heard me because we sat close to each other. Close enough for our thighs to be touching, for me to get a light tickle in my abdomen, and to feel the heat radiating off of him.

  "I can't draw or paint for shit, but I've always liked the story people tell from what they make." He answers with a low rumble. He looked anywhere but at me, I sensed there was more to it but I didn't push it. He would probably tell me one day. But so far, our first date was amazing.
So I know I haven't updated in what feels like forever, but I had the worst case of writer's block. I'm pretty proud with how this chapter went though. Even if I don't update for an extended amount of time, I know I want to finish this book. I also didn't edit this too much, excuse any errors (I'll go back and fix them).

Anyway, stay safe and tpwk

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