Chapter 7: Vincent

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About a week passed before most Arva employees arrived in D.C., including my adorable assistant Deng Lun, who goes by Daniel now, to fit in with his new surroundings.

It's when I'm going over the expense reports of a new game that was sure to top the charts, Jesse barges into my office, alarming me at first, but I notice the papers in his hand and I instantly smirk, knowing what he's upset about.
" You cancelled the transaction to that ad firm, and made me look like a fool, in front of the board when the expenses didn't match my work!"

" We didn't need that ad firm, the game's prequel is popular enough, to put itself on the market, with some well thought out tweets." I respond coolly, while I continue to peruse the concept art for the very project Jesse was practically pissing himself over.

     "You could've told me, we are sharing the creative director position, we share our screw-ups  and-" he said gradually getting louder as he folded his arms over his chest.

" And nothing you messed up by not double checking your facts, it was your presentation, and this will reflect poorly on you. Yet this could've been avoided if you had just included me in the project as well!" I harshly interrupt him with a cold and even harsher glare.

This had been happening since my employees started to settle in, we'd have huge arguments about the smallest of details involving the sequel to Arva's hit game, Soul Carvers, a rpg game that my mom had spent her own money on to slingshot Arva into existence.

The reason Jesse was being such a dick was mystery to me, I just wanted to do my mom's work justice in the most efficient way possible.

  Feeling stressed and aggravated, I brusquely got up to walk over to the liquor cabinet in the far left corner of the room, I hear my adversary turn around and I practically feel his gaze on me as I pour two glasses of scotch.

After walking back to my desk with both glasses, I set one down on my desk and I slump into my leather chair with other. While undoing my tie, I gaze up at the man, I was forced to call my partner.

He was rude, arrogant, and damn good at charming people; excluding myself, of course. I was everything he was not.

Tactful, humble, and a good negotiator. I looked at him straight in the eyes, before taking a swig of the auburn liquid.

As I felt the burn of the scotch, I blurted,
"What do I have to do to earn your respect?"

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