Chapter 17: Jesse Marlon

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I fucked up. I knew that when Vincent pushed me away and slammed the door in my face. I was vulnerable and he was there, but I know that's no excuse. But I felt immensely better after speaking to Vincent and kissing him. Lightly touching my lips remembering how warm and soft Vincent's were, I am now in the safety of my apartment, lying in bed with the soft hum of the A/C blasting over my head. I can't say I regret kissing him but I do regret not getting the chance to deepen the kiss. It wasn't hard for me to come to terms that I liked Vincent. I hadn't known him for that long but I liked how he scrunched his nose when he was annoyed or when he bit the side of his thumb when he was anxious, and the sound of his pitchy laughter.

Now I had to get him to like me. But I also had to make amends on casually assaulting him though I regretted nothing I still felt some small amount of shame and embarrassment. What if he didn't like the kiss? What if he was still freaked out that his mom liked my dad? What if he just thought I was messing with his head? What if he just didn't like me in general?

    I was spiraling and the fact that I had work tomorrow didn't help at all. I would have to see him again while we worked on our upcoming projects. And it didn't help that my dad was now seeing someone. That's when I shot up and quickly jumped from my queen-sized bed if there was something Vincent liked it was competence. I could at least try to be a little more like Vincent's ideal man. And I was going to be as prepared as possible for tomorrow, sitting at my rarely used desk in the far right corner of the room I opened my laptop and begun my work. Sleep was for smart people anyway.


I felt like death as I sipped on a cup of coffee from my new favorite cafe. I fell asleep after doing a shit ton of paperwork for about three hours at home. And I woke up with a jolt when I heard the honk of a car horn and hadn't stopped working since. Even while I drove to Homespice at six A.M. I wrote two full emails on my phone while I stopped at traffic lights.

   This is the most productive I've felt since my college exams. I can only hope that all this work was worth some means to an end. It was now eight A.M. and I decided to head over to work so I could be considered punctual for once. Although it was only eight people were waltzing out and about in the large sleek lobby and it reminded me of how tardy I had been in the past.

   At that moment I saw the devil herself strutting out of one of the five elevators that I was walking towards and she had the smug look of someone who just won a hand of poker. Luckily I swiftly ducked behind the trashcan next to the first elevator before she could see me and she walked right past me. Why the fuck was she upstairs? I watched her waltz out of the glass doors and I made it upstairs as fast as I could with the eyes of every employee on me.

    I wasn't about to let Persia ruin my mood, I was planning on walking into Vincent's office with all this work done and this amazing apology so he'd finally be proud to call me his partner. But when I made it just outside of his office door his annoying ass assistant stopped me. "Sir, I'm sorry but Mr. Lan has asked that no one disturbs him for the rest of the day."

     He rubbed me the wrong way and I didn't like how clingy he was with Vincent so arguing with him came easily to me. "Well, this shouldn't take long I just want to show him something, " and I push past him without much fuss. What I see next crushes me Vincent is at his desk working but looking closer at him he is crying.

Well, I tried my best, it was a rough week. And I don't have much of an update schedule
I just try to do it as often as possible. If you think this story might be heading for shit let me know, I need to edit anyway. But I would like some kind of feedback.

Thanks, Au revoir💙🎉


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