Chapter 8: Jesse Marlon

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        I couldn't help but stare at his lithe form in admiration, as he poured two glasses of whiskey. As he walked back towards his desk, I noticed that he looked tired, and immediately wondered about his sleeping habits.

It was what he said when he slouched into his chair and untied his tie in the best way possible, that startled me.

"What do I have to do to earn your respect?"

He thought I didn't respect him? I began to that was  ridiculous, but I did just burst into his office, unannounced, like an idiot.

Seeing his forlorn and slightly ragged face, I felt myself begin to shrink in embarrassment. I flopped down into the small leather armchair across from the victim of my carelessness, and I gingerly grasp the glass of scotch on the desk.

Before taking a sip, I look into his eyes that are filled with determination.

"Nothing, I already respect you."

He smirks and downs the rest of the liquid in his glass, " You've a funny way of showing it."
I'm fully prepared to apologize, when his twink of an assistant strides in with a large stack of papers and drops them on Vincent's neatly ordered desk.

"These need to be looked over and initialed," he snidely says while staring at me with contempt.  And with that he struts back to his desk outside, " Hey, you should get some rest, I'll initial these." I say as I start to take the papers into my arms, but his slender hand sits on the top of the tower of paperwork.

"I've got it, I'm sure you've got better things to do." He shoots back giving me a look of indignation and pride.

"Look, I apologize for the way I've been acting, it was inappropriate." I say not moving my hands from the sides of the papers.

"And immature, arrogant, and annoying," he finishes giving me a smirk that I thought I'd be seeing a lot more often now.

"From now on, I promise to include you on projects." Holding out my pinkie for him to latch his onto as if we were eight year olds, pinkie swearing.

He moves his hand away from the coveted paperwork and hooks his skinny pinkie around mine and grins. I take this chance to quickly snatch the papers away from him in a single quick motion. Getting up to leave, I give Vincent a quick smile, and just before I open the door to leave I hear him mutter something in what sounded like French.

Not having the courage to look back at Vincent's face I leave his office. I stop when I see the twink staring at me maliciously, I walk slowly to his desk, only to give him orders to split Vincent's work in half and give half to me.

It looked like I was working late that night.

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