Chapter 31: Jesse Marlon

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I just read the last chapter. And I'm genuinely shocked I wrote all that. Sorry for the wait, something was always stressing me out, then I had writer's block, and now I'm in college (I'm old).
     Work seemed suspiciously light today, but it's more likely that my mood was light rather than my workload. I had plans to head back to Vincent's house after work today too and it was all I could think about. I wanted to steal glances at Vincent across the hall, but he still hadn't returned from his meeting. So I had no choice but to work productively until my boyfriend made his way back.
All that was really left for me to do at this point was to plan the company retreat since the project was set to launch in a month and most of the heavy work was finished Vincent and I thought that a trip and a bonus for most of the employees was a good way to keep up morale. However, Vincent left this part to me since he insisted that because I was raised in the DMV I would plan a better weekend trip. But in actuality, I think my habit of 'forgetting' responsibility had rubbed off on him. But I was happy to do this for him.

At this point, it had been an hour and I was getting antsy. Before I got the chance to get up to ask Vincent's assistant, Daniel, where he was I saw Ms. Lan walk up to Daniel's desk. She was a short woman, but I was a little intimidated by her and I could tell Daniel was too even with the tough act he put on. She didn't strike me as the type of woman to make small talk with assistants, and they were talking for a suspiciously long time. I wasn't privy to leave my desk and join their conversation, a part of me knew it wouldn't be welcome. Yet something told me that this wasn't right. I had to figure out what they were saying.

I grab my phone and immediately go to April's contact info. Everyone always wondered why I kept April around when she didn't seem to do much of anything. I could make my spreadsheets and schedule my meetings myself, but April was the best at gossip. This job should be easy since she's right across the hall from them.

Hey, get some info on Daniel ASAP

I skip formalities with April, and right away I get a thumbs up in response. I knew I would have something on him by the end of the week. The annoyingly jealous side of me hoped it was some news that could get Daniel fired, yet the calm and rational side hoped for this feeling of mistrust to be unwarranted.

  Vincent got back after Ms. Lan left. I didn't want to be the one to tell him that his mom and his assistant had a weirdly long chat. But I wasn't sure if Daniel would tell him at all. But I waited for concrete evidence that something shady was going on. On the other hand, with Ms. Lan leaving soon I don't want to make any waves that it will delay how freely we show our relationship. The anticipation while waiting for the news bugged the hell out of me especially as I was trying to focus on working.

I stare at my computer screen for ages trying to ignore the rushing thoughts of anything that could be wrong or go wrong. And I hear a quick rasp of a knock at my door, and I remember to exhale before I say come in. It isn't April that comes in, but Vincent. I look at him, expecting the next words to come out of his mouth to have to do with work. But he doesn't say anything. He comes in without a word and closes my blinds before coming to me from around my desk. "You good?" I try to keep my tone even so as not to hint at something being wrong with me. He lets out an exasperated sigh as he hugs me from behind my chair.

"I just need to recharge after that meeting." I wasn't sure what to say, so I just removed his hands from me and turned around to face him. After opening my arms I let him give me a proper hug. And I think it made both of us feel better.
The rest of the day went by as it normally did, yet Vincent and I had fewer and fewer chances to see one another. But I held onto the fact that we were going to see each other after work. I marveled at how different this relationship was compared to my previous ones. The majority of my relationships starting from hook-ups had resulted in me not caring about my partner's, at least not as much as I cared about Vincent. And the realization made my mind wander to how many people I had hurt in the past. Vincent was making me a better man by the day.
I had to go back to my apartment at some point. Tomorrow would be Friday, and I think we're starting to notice that I was wearing the same variation of clothes through the week.

  As I started making myself dinner I let my mind wander to the usual thoughts of work and something fun to do with Vincent soon. It went on peacefully as I moved on to eating at my counter wistfully.
      Until I heard a rap on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone and I sure as hell didn't let anyone into my building for them to even be knocking at my door. My first thought was that it's someone I don't want to see, or worse someone who really wanted to see me (a deranged weirdo). So I approached as quietly as I could, so as not to reveal that I was home. And peered through the peephole quickly, and immediately drew away when I saw that it was Daniel.
   I'm still very much on edge, but I open the door so that only about half of my face is visible, "You're not here to murder or threaten me, right?" I definitely could take Daniel on in a fight, but I didn't want to risk jail time.

"No, but I noticed your assistant was trying to flirt with me for information. And I figured you asked her to spy on me." I wasn't expecting April to do that, but now that the cat was out of the bag I figured I'd play it cool. So I retort with, "I'm guessing that didn't work since you're a raging queen after your boss?"  This was my chance to at least confront him about his overt flirting with Vincent. 

"First of all, I'm bisexual. And secondly, while I do have feelings for Mr. Lan, I never let it get in the way of his work. And thirdly, I just don't like you." He keeps listing off reasons I'm not right for Vincent or how I distract him from his work. I eventually got tired of his ramblings and I brought him into my home. "So other than to berate my relationship with Vincent, why did you come here?" 

"Mrs. Lan, she knows about you and Mr. Lan, and wants to cut out you and your father out of the company." 


Surprise! This chapter has been in the works for a long time, and I'll try to get the next one done soon! I'm trying to finish this up soon since I've had some other book ideas in the works. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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