Chapter 7 - Nathan

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I awoke with a start.  I felt my hair across my face.  I reached with my hand to pull it back but my hand couldn’t move.  I tugged at them both.  They were both tied to the bed head.  I turned my head from side to side, struggling to get the hair off my face, from my eyes and my mouth.  I couldn’t see.  I kicked with my legs, trying to turn my body.  The bindings about my legs tightened.  I started struggling as hard as I could, twisting my head and opening my mouth to scream.  I screamed and screamed but no sound came out.  No one could hear me.  No one would come. 


I woke up, my eyes wide.  Sitting up I clawed at my face to ensure that none of my hair was across it.  Rubbing my hands over my legs and arms I curled up in my bed and rocked.  It was just a dream.  No one was here.  I couldn’t resist the urge any longer and started my panicked check of the apartment.  No one was there. 

Flicking the kettle on to boil I sat huddled on the floor of my empty living room gazing at the wall.   I had no work today.  Nothing to take my mind off my dreams.  The ding of the kettle broke my concentration and I jumped up to make myself a hot drink. 

I had gotten through the first day of work yesterday.  It had been the most nerve-wracking yet exciting experience.  Victor had taken me across the road for lunch, telling me it was his shout.  I had enjoyed the first decent sized meal in weeks.  The thought of being financially able to return the lunch was exciting. 

The rest of the day had been a blur.  Kota had quickly pointed out to me the holding room and safe room before settling me into reception.  The phone line had to be redirected to the reception as no one had been using the desk for a while.  By the end of the day I had been taking phone calls and working through some files, enjoying the sense of achievement. 

I didn’t meet anyone else new that day.  I didn’t see who relieved Silas.  I hoped that they were as nice as everyone else I had met. 

Victor had given me a lift ‘home.’  Kota having told him my address.  I worried that someone would notice me sneaking in and out of their apartment block foyer and know that I didn’t belong. 

A thump sounded against the shared apartment wall and yelling started.  I shook away my thoughts and stood up.  I got dressed and made breakfast before escaping the apartment.   I was not spending my weekend listening to my neighbours fight. 

I walked the streets, heading to a nicer area of town. Every place I lived, I tried to find the half developed land, still full of trees and small paths.  The serenity and quiet of it I found soothing.  So far I hadn’t had much chance to explore but I had decided to find an oasis on the weekend.  A second job would not be needed here since my job at Blackbourne Investigations was so well paying.  A second job is an additional risk.  Twice as many people see your face.

Not needing a second job meant actually having a weekend.  I would have to find ways to fill in my time.  The possibilities were endless. 

Someone stepped out of a doorway ahead of me, adjusted their watch, and started jogging off at a steady pace.  I decided to follow their general direction as some runners prefer off road tracks.  His distinctive red shirt made him easy to see.  He cut across a quiet street and headed to the right.  Following him through the streets he was quickly losing me.  I would see him at a corner turning then only a glimpse next.  I turned another corner and could not see him anywhere.  Walking down the quiet street I began to see what looked to be a nature reserve.  Bingo.   

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