Chapter 19 - the Aftermath

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My eyes widened in horror and I scrambled, rearing backwards breaking the hold he had on me. My knee connected solidly with his groin as I tried to gain my feet.

A grunt of pain escaped his perfect lips.

Two hands tightly grabbed my wrists and hauled me to my feet. The grip tightened even more to the point of pain and my fears kicked in, causing panic to flood me. I jerked and twisted at my arms, struggling. My breath started to quicken.

'Let her go.' A cold voice broke through. The grip on my arms loosened and I tore them away. I looked up at the hulking bodyguard, staring down at me. Another bodyguard stood behind my victim.

I stepped backwards and straightened myself, tucking my hair behind my ear with a trembling hand.

'I really didn't mean to. I cannot say how sorry I am.' I could hear my voice trembling and wrapped my arms around myself tightly.

The silence stretched. I nodded awkwardly and quickly turned, striding down the street.

Tears started trickling down my cheeks and I felt my shoulders hunch over. I wiped at my cheeks and glanced behind.

He stood, staring after me. Judging me.

I ducked my head back down and disappeared around the corner.

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