Chapter 27 - A Favour Owed

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The morning's cool air awoke me slowly, light filtering into the room. I had slept heavily last night, stirring with only a few dreams. I sleepily sat up, checking the time. It was 6.50am. The cobwebs of sleep slowly dissipated as I stared at the time, there was something wrong with it. I jerked fully awake with a start. I normally left for work at 6.15am, I was over half an hour late for leaving, I would be late for work unless I could find a bus or even, I cringed, pay for a taxi.

Grabbing the clothes I had laid out the night before, I dashed to the bathroom like a madwoman, shedding my pyjamas as I ran.

10 minutes later I managed to stumble out of my apartment, fumbling to lock and re-check my lock before racing down the steps. Glancing at my watch, it was just past 7 o'clock.

Racing along the sidewalk I thought over my options. I hadn't looked into a bus route for work as yet, so I could go to a bus stop and but then potentially be unable to get to work, or the route might go the wrong way. A taxi was another option but that would depend on how long it took them to come to the phone booth when I called.

I was frustrated with myself, I knew better than to sleep in. I couldn't afford to sleep in. I had enjoyed the good night's rest but deep sleep also meant I wasn't alert in case of intruders.

A car hooted, before the brakes slammed on and pulled over beside me. I gave it a quick glance before continuing my speed walk down the street.

'Sang! Sang! You get your a** back here, missy, I'm giving you a lift.' The vaguely familiar voice pulled me up and I turned cautiously. Anon was half hanging out of the window of her car gesturing wildly with her hand. Her car was still half in the traffic lane, causing several cars to have slowed behind her, beeping.

She turned, vigorously leaning on her horn as she yelled 'What are you hooting at, can't you see I'm talking?' Before turning back and calling me again.

One look at the irate drivers behind her decided me. I quickly hurried to her car, jumping into the passenger seat and buckling up. Anon settled back into her seat shaking her head, 'Some people, so inconsiderate.' She zoomed off again as I took a cautious look at the cars behind us.

She weaved through traffic, talking incessantly the whole time. 'Do you live near here? And you walk? That must be a long walk, no wonder you're so tiny. Why haven't one of those boys offered to pick you up, I'm sure none of them would mind. Do you have a preference for one of them? I can't decide between a Silas or a Victor. There's something in the way Victor looks at you, quietly intense,' she paused to give a dramatic shiver 'but you can't go past Silas, Mmmmmm or that North. I've decided I have a different flavour for each day of the week. Maybe you can talk them into extending Muffin Tuesday to everyday.' She looked at me questioning.

I watched her drive, her gaze still firmly fixed on me. I started gesturing to the road, hoping she would look where she was driving. I think I was beginning to understand with Anon, you just addressed one question, and hope she'd forgot the rest. 'I'm not sure if Muffin Tuesday can be on every day, but the muffin I had the other day was delicious.'

She flicked me a look, 'Of course it was. You'll have to come over and work your way through the range until we find your favourite.'

Leaning forward she turned on the radio, skipping through the stations until a country music song came on. Anon immediately started singing along, her voice had a beautiful husky quality, bringing a soul to the lyrics. 'If you wanna get to know her, Really get inside her mind. If you wanna move in closer, Take it slow, yeah take your time...'

I closed my eyes, resting my head against the headrest and let the beauty of Anon's voice flow over me. This was definitely the way to go to work.

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