One big mistake

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I balled my eyes out in the girls bathroom. The bandaid on my heart was ripped right off and salt was placed on the fresh wound. That's what I was feeling right now. I didn't think it was possible for me to feel even worse then I had before, now I did. In one burst of anger, I told the guy I loved that I was already pregnant with his ex best friend's baby the day we got together And that I hated him.

My life was crap. It was completely ruined by one careless error.

"Tab, are you in here?" Hannah called.

I sniffed and wiped at my eyes as I blew my nose out on a piece of tissue. I fixed my dress and stepped out of the stall.

"Oh my god tab! What happened?" She came and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I shook my head. "I knew this was a bad idea." She wipedat my eyes. "I just, I just wanna go h-home."

"But, why, what happend?" She rubbed my back in soothing circles.

"I ran into Josh." I barely got out.

That was all she needed to hear. She pulled me into a bear hug. "Oh Tab, he's a dick, don't let him ruin your night."

I shook my head, sniffling in the process. "No Hannah, I told him, I told him it was Caleb's baby!"



I stood there trying to figure out what the hell just happend. One moment I was minding my own, and the next Tabitha was storming off. I hated seeing her like that. It was hard to look at her. She looked friggin amazing tonight, and I couldn't even tell her that.

I not even gonna lie, I was devastated, never had a girl broke my heart, but she took it, ripped to pieces and then burned it. And I despised her for it. A girl making me feel weak and broken. How could she have gotten pregnant by some other guy?

And had she really jist said she was pregnant before we even got together? Had I been a complete ass like she said I was? I never even gave her the chance to speak, maybe things could have gone differently if I had.

And even more so, was she telling me that that kid was Caleb's?! How the hell was that even possible?! Then again, it wasn't even that hard to believe. Caleb's feeling for her were obvious. Was I too blind to see that something was going on between them the entire time?

I sucked in a breath. That fucking bastard had absolutely no reason to bitch off on me! This entire time he'd had my fucking girlfriend pregnant!

My eyes stung as the severity of my anger coursed through my veins. I was outraged. Whether or not it happend before we got togther, she still hadn't said anything. Suprisingly, I was more upset with Caleb then I was with Tabitha. He made me look like a fool. He knew good and well that she was having his kid, yet he said not one word to me!

I was his bestfriend! I thought that this thing between us would blow over in time, but nowI was sure it was in stone. What I did to him was nothing in comparrison with what he did to me. This whole time, I'd been sleeping with a girl who was pregnant with his damn kid!

"You son of a bitch!" He was sitting at a table laughing and carrying on as if nothing was wrong.

I didn't care if I was making a scene, hell, Caleb deserved what he had coming. We'd been in a few childish fights over the years, but this one was going to be something serious.

I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him out of his seat. His face was confused before annoyance flickered across his face.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem?!" He shoved me off of him hastily. We were drawing a crowd.

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