Shes Just Not That Into You

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Neymar POV

"Blair where's my phone?" I asked panicked frantically searching my pockets and under the blanket

"I literally just called You two seconds ago" blair said rolling her eyes

I was panicking messing my room "why don't you just leave it and let's go"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at blair,

"I can't go around without a phone. that's like going around without a Brian" I panicked

"This generation has lost it" blair said laughingly

"Honey I'm older then you" I said sarcastically

Her phone rang and she looked at her phone a big smile on her face

"Hi" she said walking out off my room

"Are you on the phone to neymar" I here'd Sabrina's voice as she walked in she looked at me surprise

"Sabrina" I said smiling

"Neymar, your girlfriend has the biggest smile on her face" she said laughing "I thought she was talking to you"

"I can't find my phone" I said rolling my eyes

I wonder who she was talking to on the phone I mean why was she so happy? I didn't want to seem like the jealous type but I was curious I smiled a Sabrina and she looked at me confused

"Your phones right their" she said pointing at my hand

"Oh" I said laughing "Sabrina have I ever told you how beautiful you are"

"You want me to find out who your girlfriends talking to DONT you" she said smiling

Sabrina had blonde hair and strawberry pink lips she wore blue jeans and a grey shirt she looked amazing like always, we've been friends for a few years now she's somebody id call my best friend

"Thanks I appreciate it gorgeous" I said flashing her a charming smile

I started to burp and loudly and I laughed whole Sabrina made a disgusted face

I can't help it. im a man.

"Oh neymar I forget how cute you are sometimes" she said sarcastically

"Always baby" I said laughing

She left to go after Blair

Sabrina Pov

"Okay yeah. No you hang up first" blair said laughing over the phone

She turned around to see me and quickly said bye to whoever she was talking to

"Hey Sabrina" she said

"Who where you taking to" I asked

"My friend cooper his in town and I want to meet him" she said taking her bag and waking out

"But don't you and neymar have plans"

"He will understand" she said

I follwed her out and neymar came and he saw blair going downstairs

"Babe" he said

I stood beside him and we both looked down and saw blair waving

"Sorry neymar I have to go" she said leaving

I looked at neymar who looked at me confused

"What the fuck is that about" he asked

"Maybe she's just not that into you"

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