Mr. Underwood

355 16 13

Blair POV

I glanced back to everyone that we were with last night, it's 5am and we all looked horrible, and messy.

Ethan was hurt, we don't know what happened he basically game back crawling and passed out.

"Uhhh I think his in operation as we speak" she said answering my previous question.

"What do you mean?" I say in between tears

My eyes were glued to the nurse, she looked helpless as she scanned the files.

"Ethan is in surgery, from the information I've gathered his not responding to anything" she said

My head was spinning, my brother is dying.

"I don't understand, what's going on? Why isn't anyone telling me how this happened!" I heard shouting

I turned around to see my mom, she looked like she just woke up from sleep. beside her were my dad and Morgan.

I felt my throat get dry, and my eyes started hurt. I just wanted this to be a bad dream,i really really wish I could just wake up.

"hey Blair, do you remember me ?" A woman said approaching me

"yes, your the new sheriff.. you helped lock up Josephine.. Sarah?" I said softly

"Yes, can we talk?" She said pointing to an empty room.

I walk in and sit down on the hard plastic chair, my arms covering me so I could stop shaking.

"I'm so sorry, would you like some water?" She said

She wore a brown outfit, pants and a shirt that said sheriff on it. Her brown hair was in a ponytail and she didn't look much older then 25.

"I want my brother" I said tears rolling down my face

"I want you too tell me everything that happened, can you do that blair?" She asked

I nodded, I told her everything. the get together and the fun.

"Then Ethan went out to smoke, he said he would be a minute" I said softly

"Do you know who could do this ?" Sarah asked

"No, Nobody would want to hurt him.. everyone loves Ethan, even his ex girlfriends" i shrug

"Do you have any enemies"

"Tons, I'm dating Neymar jr. I'm wealthy and I'm young I don't mean to sound air headed but a lot of people are jealous of me, which is bizarre" I said shaking my head

She wrote down every word I said on a notebook, a man barged in and made eye contact with me, he was young and wore the police uniform.

"We found CCTV footage" he said putting the laptop in front of Sarah

I quickly stood up and stood beside her, my arms still crossed.

"Someone is standing their, look!" I said pointing at the screen

It was of my club, theirs someone in all black just starting into the window.

Ethan comes out stumbling and he follows him.

the screen went black and I quickly looked at them in panic as my eyes landed back on the screen

SHADOW- Summer 2014 don't you remember me Blair ? Don't you remember what you did? Justice will be served, just because Marc and Josephine failed. doesn't mean I will, this is the end, and I will eliminate anyone or anything that means anything to you, you will never love or be loved. it's all your fault. eenie meenie miney ethan.... but it's not over bitch, Who's next?

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