words can kill

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Neymars POV

I woke up and brushed my teeth, combed my hair wore jeans and a shirt as soon as my eyelids opened I felt bad, I felt like an asshole for what I done last night Blair looked so confused as she ran away with that guy I've never seen before I walked downstairs too the living room to see the boys in uniform quietly sitting down

"Who died?" I joked as I realised how depressed everyone seemed

"You know if you hadn't said anything she would still be here?" Marc shouted "are you even a little bit sorry?"

"What are you talking about ?" I asked annoyed

"Remember how you embarrassed Blair and she ran away.. She was so upset that she tried too kill herself"

"Huh?" I said as I felt my head spin "this isn't happening" I said thinking out loud

"You made her want too kill herself you worthless dog!" Marc shouted

I grabbed my keys and headed too the hospital oscar was guiding me, I ran past every room until I spotted her

"Did you have any idea?"

"Who would have thought she'd do something like this?"

"Morgan and Michael are still...they've hardly spoken to anyone..."

"Can you blame them? They've just lost their child!"

I listened to the voices as they passed by the room she was in, Did they have to discuss the events of Blair's suicide in hushed voices the whole world could hear? If so, did they have to do it near the two three year olds that where sitting with the woman behind me

I felt my heavy eyelids close as i prepared myself against the tears that would not come. I knew the tears needed to be shed, but i also knew that crying was not something i did. I wasn't about to start.

My shoulders shook with tear-less sobs over the death of the one steady person. Why did she die? Why did she feel the need to kill herself? What made life so bad for her?

I buried his face in his pillow and screamed. "WHY?" I shouted into it.

That was when the tears came, flooding with their presence all at once. I wept, for the first time in my life, all alone in that dank and dusty room.

I looked over at her body she was still so beautiful I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see the guy who was with her last night

"Who are you ?" I asked annoyed

"I'm Nate. the one she told everything too, the way you made her felt the hurt you caused her your nothing but a disgusting person to me" Nate growled as his fist collided with my face I fell down on the floor

"Hey man get off him" oscar shouted pushing Nate

"GET.THE.FUCK.OUT.OFF.HERE." Blairs father shouted at me

I stumbled too stand up as I walked over too Blair's stepmom Morgan

"I am so sorr-" I was about to finish but she slapped me across the face

"For the first time we where getting along and you had to take her away form me you bastard" she cried

I looked down and walked out off the hospital I looked over to Blair's lifeless body and tear fell down my face as I closed my eyes i was really in love with her I just never said it, I pretended like I didn't like her but I did I made a huge mistake.

I walked out off the hospital furiously I could hear oscars footsteps firing to walk beside me "dude what are you doing ?" oscar yelled

I got my pocket knife out from my pocket, and looked at it.

"If she killed herself for me, it's only best if I kill myself for her"

"NEYMAR STOP IT WASNT YOUR FAULT" oscar yelled "things happen I know your sorry but you can't do this think off everyone who loves you"

"What about Blair ?! she's dead because off me. I deserve to die"

"No one deserves to die, we all make mistakes" oscar cried out "please your like the older brother I never had I've lost everybody I can't lose you two please" oscar cried this time I could see his tears

Deep breath. deep breath . Focus.

I pictured a bright white light in my mind, eradicating every thought, every feeling, every sensation from my mind in a blaze of energy until all that remained was black.

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