Karma Is A Bi*ch

382 18 14

Blairs POV

Ethan, Neymar, Oscar, Sergi, Nate and bee were sitting on the couch we just came back from the camp and I haven't said a word after Oscar basically called me out.

I stood up with a huff, put my hair in a tight pony tale and sat on the opposite of them.

"I just need you all to know that I wasn't proud of myself.. I've been uh- I guess I haven't been completely honest with you all." I blinked

"Sweetie, what's going on?" bee asked confused

"Brianna not now" i say shaking my head

"You saw his face didn't you" Oscar said glaring at me

"No! His hoodie fell off but he was wearing some weird red mask" I said shaking my head

"I am really confused Blair, I seriously don't understand anything that's going on" Neymar said standing up

"Is Marc apart of this?" Sergi asked

"Just shut up and let her talk" Ethan said

"How about you go sleep with someone else's girlfriend" Oscar said starring at Ethan

The room was quite and I saw everyone starring Ethan who looked shocked.

"What are you talking about?" Ethan mumbled

"I saw the video" Oscar said again this time his voice getting louder

"What video?" Neymar asked

"Guys seriously Blair was trying to tell us something!" Bee said aggravated

"No it's fine bee, I'm kinda curious to what Oscar is accusing my brother of." I said folding my arms

Oscars been acting really dry towards me, we where kind of close and he was like the sweetest guy I've ever met in my life, but ever second he opened his mouth I grow the strong urge to hit him.

"oh don't you know blair? your stalker sent me a great link.. You want to watch?" Oscar said throwing his phone at me

I caught it with both hands surprisingly, Everyone but Oscar stood up and looked at the phone.

I pressed play and Ethan immediately said "shit."

Bruna and Ethan where making out, then their clothes came of and before I could see anything i locked the screen.

"you cheated on my baby sister?" Neymar says shoving Ethan

"Your fucking disgusting" Oscar says pushing him from the back

Ethan fell on the floor, he had a grin on his face and he just shook his head.

"Stop it are you insane he just got shot!" I shouted standing in front of Ethan

Practically like a human shield so that these two strong pissed off boys wouldn't hurt him, I'm his big sister and I'm very protective and if that means losing a friend then I will.

"He slept with Bruna" Oscar said "how can you stand their and defend him."

"Firstly his my brother so don't tell me who I should defend because he will always be first, open your eyes Oscar! Bruna is the one kissed him first and it takes two to tango."

Oscar laughed but it wasn't a normal laugh it was a 'wow aren't you fucking stupid' laugh.

"Your brother is a weak little bitch, you need your sister to fight your battles huh?" Neymar said glaring at Ethan

"The funny thing is she could possibly kick both your asses." Ethan mumbled

"Ethan shut up" bee shouted "your making it worse, listen I don't know any of you but I know that Blair is a normal person who's going through a tough time so I suggests you all pull up and stop fighting each other and live your life and have fun and stop please stop being so negative all the tim-"

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