Your Twisted

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Blair POV

Carly was still been questioned, it's been a day and a half since I last seen her, I opened the door to my dad's house.

"Your alive" dad said hugging me

"Dad, oh my god dad! I forgot to tell you" I said

"That your alive ! Again? What the hell is wrong with this family... we thought you died" my father yelled tears in his eyes

He let go off me and looked at me confusedly "tell me what ?" He said concerned

"Carly's been arrested" I said slowly

"What did you just say" my dad said

"What's going on Freddy" Morgan said coming towards us "BLAIR?" She said hugging me in shock

"Did you just say your sisters been arrested" my dad asked

"Yes" I said slowly

"Did she download music illegally or jay walked ?" Dad said laughing "its fine we can handle it, what's her bail" dad said walking upstairs

"Dad" I said chasing him

"Blair I have to get your trouble maker off a sister out off the police custody, this will not look good if people find out" he said

"Dad" I yelled

"No Blair, I have to go" he said grabbing his keys "I can imagine what jeff and Sean are saying about the company's reputation"

"What? Who's jeff and Sean? No dad stop you don't understand" I said grabbing his arm

"When did you get strong" my dad said

"Carly's been arrested for murder" I yelled

"Did she do it ?" Morgan said

"What did you just say" I said walking towards her furiously

"Blair come here now" my father yelled

I turned around and walked towards him

"How did this happen ?" My dad said

"It's complicated" I said sighing

"You better un complicate everything young lady" my dad said annoyed

"I got kidnapped, by Cody and that freaking homeless guy Xander ! Then Carly got abducted and as did Neymar and Sabrina, everything was going crazy dad, She was going to shoot Carly but then she shot Sabrina and she died, then I got stabbed and lost my baby-"

"What" Morgan yelled "you were pregnant!"

"Don't even worry about that, Jo shot Sabrina.. which is neymars best friend.. she framed Carly"

"None off this is making sense, how did you get discharged from the hospital, they said you were dead?" Dad asked

"The doctor was working for Jo" I said slowly

"I'm suing that hospital" Morgan yelled

"So if you told all off this to the cops, why aren't they looking for this Jo person ?" My dad said

Morgan was staring at us and I couldn't say it in front off her, it's way to dangerous

"Morgan I need to speak with my dad alone if you don't mind" I said

She nodded and waked away, my father and I walked into his study and closed the door.

"What's going on?" He said

Playing herDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora