The Player Has No Heart

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Neymars POV

The incessant noise of the alarm clock filled the room. I groaned loudly as I instinctively reached over for my nightstand to stop the blatant ringing. Unable to bring up my left arm, I noticed the weight against my chest. With my right hand, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, opening them to reveal a pair of toned arms wrapped securely around my midsection. The girl's thick locks tickled my neck as the brunette's head laid softly on top of me. I woke up like how I woke up everyday for the past two months with Blair in my arms, so we started dating 'fake dating because I was just using her' did I feel bad? yes.... did I care? no.. coach was like my dad and because off Blair's father he was out off the team, today was the day the boys and I have been planing for weeks the day off the annual football party, this is when everyone that's important come together and my speech will ruin this girls life, and her dad.

Blair woke up and smiled at me, I kissed her forehead

"You seem happy" she mumbled

"I'm here with you aren't i ?" I said

"About that.. my dad will kill you if he sees you in my room" she laughed

Her dad. gosh every time I think about that man I feel like punching something, I sit up and put my shoes on as I walk towards the door, Blair followed me and held my hand as we went downstairs I looked around the room until my eyes rested on a family portrait.

"We had it done right before Dad was deployed. Before all the damage was done." She said and by damage I think she meant her sister passing away.

I picked it up and began to inspect it. I bit my tongue, hoping that silence was my best approach.

"You know I never liked this man. Your father." My snide tone was enticing I've never said this too her and I immediately felt like taking it back, I wasn't suppose to tell her.

"why?" was all she asked "his the only family I got left... I thought he was your coach ?"

"He kicked my coach out off the field he ruined everything! your dad is a fucking coward" I say angrily

"Get the hell out off my house!" I here'd a males voice I turned around and saw her father he grabbed my arm and literally threw me out off the house and slammed the door

I walk to my house angrily as the boys where all there smiling and getting ready for tonight

"Hey looks who's here" oscar smiled

"How's the fake girlfriend going ?" hulk laughed

"I can't believe she actually thinks you like her." Marcelo laughed

I don't know why but that comment he made... it makes me angry she's a good person I feel terrible for doing this but coach.. I Can't back down

"Her dad overheard me saying how much I didn't like him and threw me out" I said scratching the back off my neck

"OH." they said

"Yeah... I'm just going to go in my room" I say storming off and closing the door

After twenty minutes I hered a knock on my door.

"Go away!" I shout laying on my bed

"Err... it's Blair"

"What do you want?" I snap

"Can I please come in"

"Why don't you just go back to your dad" I say rolling my eyes

"Please theirs something I need to tell you" she said I finally stood up and opened the door

She was breathtaking so beautiful for two months I've been playing this girl, but I swear to god I fall for her harder by each day.

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