Guest Of The Year

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QOTD•• Sometimes you've gotta follow your heart. Even if leads you somewhere you don't want to go.

Carly POV

I woke up gasping for breath and touching my neck, I'm not dead. I stood up to fast making the room spin, all I saw was walls.. what the heck is going on where am I ?

"Cody!" I yell harshly "come out you son of a bitch"

The doors flew open, I was so angry as I saw Cody standing their my chest going up and down I felt like something inside off me wanted to kill him I ran towards him punching him in the face repeatedly he kicked my stomach making me fly across the room I hit my head on the wall

"I don't want to hurt you" Cody said running towards me

I cried on the floor, what was I thinking I'm not strong enough? Nobody knows where I am, shit I don't even know where I am.

Cody touching my shoulder he looked so innocent.

"Please- please don't touch me" I sob

"Carly you know I'm the only person who understands you" Cody said

"Cody I get this feeling that your about to do something really stupid" I said standing up

"You under estimate me" he said grinning

"Where's my sister huh? Or was that also a lie" I yelled

He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the wall he looked behind me and as did I, there was a single tv on the wall

"BLAIR" I screamed loudly crying

On the screen was blair tied on a chair, she looked so frightened she was crying I turned around pushing Cody out off the way running towards the door I got pushed back inside the room by a girl. I stood back up and grabbed her hair and yanked it she fell on the floor, she kicked my ankle and I fell down in pain.

"Amateur move" she said laughing

"Who are you" I said standing up even though my ankle hurt

She brushed herself off, she had blonde hair and green eyes.

"This is Josephine" Cody said slowly

Josephine walked towards me and smiled, her eyes sparkling "I know this is weird but it's the only way I can meet you"

"By kidnapping me" I said in shock "are you the one who's been sending me letters"


"Did you try to kill neymar and I" I asked her

"Uh neymar I was wondering when you were going to bring him up" she said smiling

"You know him?" I asked

"Of course. who doesn't ?" She said dumbfounded

"What do you want" I said crossing my arms

"Shall we go somewhere more.... alive ?" She said looking at the ridiculously creepy room

I followed her and we got to a living room, Cody went upstairs.

"How do you two know each other" I asked

"He loves you" she said sadly "I've never seen someone so... passionate, he really thinks his protecting you by doing all off this"

"You must have something on him"

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