Thats Imortalitly

406 20 17

QOTD- There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase.

Neymar POV

I felt a sharp pain on my left hand my eyes immediately shot open and I saw a shoe, I looked up too see Nate stepping on my hand and twisting his foot, I pushed his leg with my right hand and he fell onto the ground, immediately jumping on him and punching him several times in the face before i felt a kick on my back, I fell onto Nate and he pushed me off and stood up, I tried to get up but he placed his foot on my chest pinning me down.

"is this some kind off a joke?" I ask gritting my teeth

"joke?" Nate asked raising his eyebrow

"Why did you push me into a fucking van, what's your problem what is all off this bullshit, where the fuck am I?" I shouted

Nate looked around and I felt it was a great opportunity to get up from under his foot, in a matter of seconds I twisted his ankle and he cried out in pain, someone immediately bear hugged me from behind and I couldn't move.

Nate laughed hysterically standing up, and limped over to me.

"you're a funny guy Neymar" he says

"are you mentally unstable right now, dude what the fuck do you want from me ?" I shout

"I'm perfectly fine"

"Do you want money?" I asked

"I drive a Mercedes" he says glaring at me like I insulted him.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I want you to go back, wherever you were for three years just go back you are ruining my whole plan" Nate shouts

I let out a laugh "did Bruna set you up to this, I swear you guys aren't funny"

"Bruna? You mean that stupid slut that is obsessed with you? No she's too dumb for what I had planned"

"Huh?" I was confused as hell, what is this idiot talking about.

"Neymar I'm going to let you watch video, know one has seen it for three years" Nate says

He grabs his laptop and places it on me, I sit up confused and press play.

Looking for this?" He asked placing his hand on the light switch

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I heard a female voice cry

The camera was coming from the top corner of the room, but the place looked abounded nothing was making sense, I looked closely at the computer screen and gasped as I saw Blair, this was the night she died.

"Funny how things turn out huh?" He says taking a step towards Blair

Blair looked terrified

"What have I ever done too you.. I was your best friend I still thought we where close friends..." Blair was whispering

"My father was on his death bed last week, mr. underwood you remember ? Thanks for checking up on me by the way" he says sarcastically

"Nate I'm so sorr-"

He lifted up his hand so she could shut it

"anyways before he died he told me something interesting, that I had a brother.. I tracked him down and guess what?"

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