Breaking Point.

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Blair POV

Sitting here for two hours with this stupid girl Bruna isn't going to get my Ney back, but we couldn't leave. the police where involved now not Jo's fake ones these where the rule deal.

A woman approached us in police uniform and smiled politely.

"would you be able to answer a few questions?" She asked

"No, this is my fault why are you wasting my time and your time find Neymar" I shout standing up

"She's just doing her job" Bruna shot back at me "learn to respect the people who are risking their lives to protect us everyday"

"She isn't in the military you idiot, she's a cop. probably a rookie too.. How many parking tickets did you get out today" I looked at her badge "Sarah" I said

"She's right here. and she's the new sheriff so if I where you miss I'd keep that pretty little mouth shut, looks like it will get you in trouble" she said glaring at me

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

One hour never seemed so long, they finally let us go home. after telling them the whole story all those wicked games. I told them every thing that happened the whole dying but not really dying like three times thing , my friends getting creepy notes every person that was involved I even told them that I was pregnant when xander stabbed me he will be getting jail time, I told them that sheriff chase summers had nothing to do with it I wasn't going to disrespect someone who died especially a well known sheriff. and I told them about the wicked witch herself, Josephine.

"They have enough evidence to lock your crazy long lost sister away for the rest of her life" I heard

I screamed and turned around too see David and Oscar standing there

"I want to be alone" I said annoyed

"Well then why didn't you lock your door, bee." David said

"Where not even at the friendship stage of giving each other nicknames David, I don't like you"

"Okay.. little harsh but that's only because Neymar is missing and we have a plan to get him back"

"Where going to need him, we have a game next week so" Oscar said

"You and what army ?" I said

"We have a team, Barca the boys and I we are going now that's why we came.. we where digging around and found a warehouse up town we think that's where she's hiding him where going as soon as possible so if you want to join"

"Mhmm okay, please tell me your genius plan.. your going to go find where Jo is hiding him and kick her with soccer balls right ?" I said

"What's your problem ?" David asked walking towards me

"My problem is my boyfriend could be hurt or worse and your just standing here. so called best friends" I shout

"And you can't do that, you are not the only person who's lost Neymar I knew him before you did! So don't you fucking stand their and tell me how I should be feeling"

"Yeah I agree with David, your kind of acting like a bitch we have a real shot in finding our friend and here you are being cold" Oscar said

"Oh well if you both feel that way, then get the fuck off my property" I say

I slammed the door as soon as they left and sighed closing my eyelids, I'm tired. I want my sister back, my family and especially Neymar


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