A Touch Of Neymar

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Blair POV

"This is how it ends Blair" he says his eyes piercing at me

"Please" I cry "I just need to see him, just let me see him."

I knew without a doubt that if I didn't do something, he would kill me.

But I can't do anything, I was scared. and exhausted from running, I was hysterically crying while he just stared at me like I was just a piece of meat.

all I could think about was Neymar.and how much I loved him, my heart wasn't beating as fast now that I was thinking of him, I slowly looked at his face.

He reaches for his gun, which was pointed directly at me. I closed my eyes, tear drops escaping my closed eyelids. I new for a fact that as loud as I shouted and called for help, no one would be here to protect me.

I never imagined to die like this, but death isn't something you can hide from.. its happens to everyone, and.. unfortunately.. it was my time to go.

I heard a gun shot go off, and my eyes widened in horror.

One Month Earlier-

Neymar POV

I was done with my game, I've been out here for two weeks and all I've done was play football. even when the boys offered to go for a boys night out I didn't want too, I just stayed in my hotel room.

I jumped in my bed, and closed my eyes shut.

"Hey Neymar" I heard a familiar voice

I opened my eyes and saw Blair, she looked like an angel.. was I.. dreaming ?

"What are you doing here?" I ask in shock

"I needed to talk too you" she says looking at her feet

I blinked really hard, was this a dream ? what is Blair doing here. a part of me was glad to see her but the other part was pissed.

"your a stalker now huh?"

"Actually, I've been in Barcelona ever since the accident.. I heard you were here via Twitter and thought it was a sign.. that I should speak to you" she says looking up at me

I closed the door, as she walked.

"I just want to ask you one question, and then I'll leave you alone forever" Blair said

I nod for her to continue, she runs her fingers through her hair and let's out a sigh.. she obviously felt uncomfortable already, but seeing her made me feel different, it made me feel something I haven't felt for weeks.

"Do you love me?"

There was a silence, her question caught me off guard.


The truth is, I can't stop thinking about Blair. Her face is engraved in my mind, and her laugh plays in a loop in my head. It's like a broken record. A truly beautiful, broken record.

Her face lit up, she seemed so happy.

"That doesn't mean anything" I say honestly

just like that her smile fades and she nods, she bit her lip.

"Neymar I'm sorry, I don't know what I expected you too say and I know you won't forgive me-"

There was a knock on the door and both of us just stared at each other.

"Dude there's two hot girls wanting you, what are you doing ?" I heard Oscar shout while walking in

Blair and I both just stared at Oscar, who's eyes where glued to blairs.

"do you need me to call the cops?" Oscar whispers

"I'm in room 122." Blair whispers to me while walking passed Oscar

Oscars gaze still on Blair as she leaves the room, he closes the door and has his mouth open wide in shock.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" He says

"I don't know" I say truthfully

"She looks good, better actually.. she seems happier"

"now that she's not with me?" I ask irritated

"That's not what I meant, why are you getting defensive.. I thought you hated blair"

"I don't hate her" I said honestly "I could never hate.. Blair, it's just not possible too, she's causing me to think twice about everything"

"you love her she loves you, get over the past and be with her" Oscar says

"It's not that easy" I shout

"What we did too that poor girl, don't you remember ?" Oscar shouted back

"What about what she did to me? Huh? I gave that bitch my fucking heart and she just stomps all over it like it was nothing. everything was a game to her. people died. and she forgave me for my part"

"She played you neymar? Okay but what about you playing her? Embarrassing her in front off thousands of people? She ended up in hospital for attempting suicide, your the one who's being a bitch. your my best friend and I can say that for a fact that you are both fucking perfect for each other"

"That was ancient history, why do you keep bringing it up!" I say shoving him

Oscar fell on the floor, I put my hand out feeling guilty but he stood up on his own looking more angrier then he already was.

"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? Blairs not perfect.. you aren't either neymar, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break, her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there. Because one day she won't be there and you will realise how much you have fucked up and don't come running too me when that fucking happens" Oscar says walking out off my room

I stood there collecting everything Oscar said, he was 100% right and I hated admitting that. but the truth is I'm in love with Blair, and I can let the past go if it means being with her again.

I rushed out off the room, went on the elevator and spirited down the hall way.. I found room 122 and I knocked it like ten times, Blair opened it. she wore a tight black dress and purple lipstick, she looked at me surprised.

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." I say

"What does that mean?" Blair asked curiously,

i sore that she had the necklace I gave her on her birthday, i looked her in the eyes, knowing this isn't just some girl, this is my potential wife.

I placed my hand on her cheek and she placed her palm on my chest our bodies closer together she smiled softly.

"Screw it" I say, placing my arms around her body and lifting her up, she let out a loud scream, as I placed burning kisses all over her body.

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