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Neymar pov

"Marc as in Marc bartra" Sabrina said behind me

We both looked at each other and then back down at Marc

"You got a letter didn't you" Marc said to Sabrina

"You sick twisted son off a bitch" Sabrina yelled jumping on him

I grabbed Sabrinas waist and lifted her away from him.

"Why did you do this" I asked confused "where you the one who tried to shoot Carly and I"

"No you got it all wrong, whatever is going on is happening to me too" Marc said getting a note out from his jeans and giving it to me

Marc how long will your little secret stay a secret, what happened at Summer between you and I wasn't what it seemed you lied Marc, watch your back -Blair

"How do I know you didn't write this" I said throwing back at him

"Because remember when you where first playing her? And you wanted us to meet but Blair
And I already knew each other does that ring a bell?" Marc said

I had flashbacks and remembered, he did know her

"Tell me everything" I shouted

"Let's go to my place, this isn't safe" Sabrina said

I grabbed Marc by his collar and dragged him to the car as we speeded down we arrived at Sabrinas house and I basically threw him in there he stood up and sat on her leather couch

"I first met Blair at a party with mutual friends, she was cute and innocent and I thought it would be fun if I could get her to sleep with me.... but Blair wasn't like most girls Blair is a mystery even to herself. She has these moments of what I like to all philosophical fuckery. Now philosophical fuckery just means that Blair has a tendency to say things that are profound in a random fashion. There is something inside Blair
that feels broken. Yet she can see people clearly. She can see people's weaknesses, strengths, and also can get into people's heads better than most. She does not like to get close to people and even voiced this to Me asking what romance is for I said I guess we all want it we all want to feel special. She is capable of love, but the feelings of love scares her. Blair is a complex girl who desperately needed help. Though everyone failed to realize this, because she comes across as controlled and confident. The mysterious girl who knows everyone's deepest darkest secrets and can manipulate a situation could not for the life of her fix herself alone. She played games and partied hard, because it was the only way for her to feel close to anything you could possibly call pleasure or happiness. As she fell in love with you neymar she became weaker, because she was not ready for it and she was not ready for the way it would make her feel about herself, she trusted you with her life and then you flicked her off and broke her already unstable heart causing her to want to end her own life not only did you break her heart you slept with her twin sister and then continued to cheat on her, anyways last summer we hooked up but I said no... i told her that part off me wants her badly but part off me doesn't she said that it was the alcohol taking we had a little argument and she kept calling me a little bitch, something in my mind triggered she kept repeating it just like my father would she kept going and going and going until
I got a lamp and hit her across the head I panicked I thought she was dead I thought I killed her and I knew If anyone found out especially and reporters that my whole football career will go down the drain so i put her in my trunk and threw her body in the lake, she immediately jumped out screaming it wasn't a normal scream it was like my ears where bleeding I jumped in and dragged her out she had this look in her eyes like she expected all off this to happen like it was a movie script or something this isn't goodbye she said then threw me back in the water when I got out she was gone and I hadn't seen her until the day you brought her over the the house I had to play it cool but for a brief second she looked at me and smiled like this was all she expected" Marc said

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