Chapter Two

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{~ Chapter Two ~}

{~ Talking ~}

Fire, Water, Earth , And Air.

When I was much younger My Mother, Chief of Police Lin Beifong, gave me to My Aunt and Uncle, Suyin and Baatar Beifong, for them to raise me.

There My Aunt told me many stories but one of how Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko turned the Fire Nation Colonies into The United Republic Nation

I always looked up to be like My Grandfather..

But sadly Avatar Aang time had come to an end and just like the cycle of seasons... The Cycle of the Avatar became... anew..


Tenzin gathered his things as he walked out from his office and quickly peaked outside.. He was going to talk to Lin.. But Suyin had warned him that Kaiya tended to.. Linger at night.. And He didn't want to be caught, He didn't know how she would act..She could want to go with him, And he had to confront Lin about everything.. alone.. He was furious that He didn't know!

Tenzin pintched the bridge of his nose and began walking and looked every so often looked behind him.. soon he hopped onto his Sky Bison, Oogie.

The air felt nice.. He hadn't slept a lot last night or the night before; his mind had been on haywire since he found out about Kaiya.

Why didn't Lin tell him? He was happy she didn't but at the same time..

He was greatful because if she did He probably wouldn't have Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, And the soon to be baby..

He was conflicted on the situation.. He loved all.. four, of his children... And then four will be five..

Before he knew it he was outside the Police station..

Tenzin knew this wouldnt be fun.. He knew there would probably be fighting and a building collapse..

He took a deep breath and hopped off his sky bison and slowly made his way into the front doors..

"Councilman Tenzin.. I don't see your name on the-" "She doesn't know I'm here.. So please give her a call that I'm going up there.. She should get a minute or two.. maybe three of I'm slow to get her anger out" Tenzin attempted to joke but it was obvious he was nervous

The lady nodded and called.. thats when Tenzin started walking..

Then He once again found himself on the another floor.. the third floor where Lin's office was on the other side..

The detectives were looking at him.. His fear was on his face but.. Who wasn't afraid of Lin?

The male looked at the door.. He knew the detectives were looking and probably thinking.. What did one of them do?

The male opened the door to see the Woman writing with her glasses on and a few cops in the room.

"Councilman.. What do you need that is so important to interuppt me?" Lin asked obviously annoyed. The Officers quickly looked at each other.. The disrespect.. and she probably wouldn't get in trouble.. Every officer knew their past.. Hell some had bets an affair was going on and this seemed like he was ending it.

"Stand up straight Officers"

The four quickly straightened up, their thoughts leaving them.

The male went to speak but nothing came out.. "Councilman, I don't have much time-" "Kaiya".

The Woman looked up.. What in hells name did she have to do with something that involved his Sister.. "Is Your Sister arrested?" Lin asked grabbed another file next to her and began looking at names.

The AirbenderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ