Chapter Eight

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{~ Chapter Eight ~}

{~ Questions ~}

Fire, Water, Earth , And Air.

When I was much younger My Mother, Chief of Police Lin Beifong, gave me to My Aunt and Uncle, Suyin and Baatar Beifong, for them to raise me.

There My Aunt told me many stories but one of how Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko turned the Fire Nation Colonies into The United Republic Nation

I always looked up to be like My Grandfather..

But sadly Avatar Aang time had come to an end and just like the cycle of seasons... The Cycle of the Avatar became... anew..


"I suppose so" Lin mumbled as she looked at the Teenager who now leaned back in the chair putting her feet on the bottom of Lin's desk. "Stop that, You'll fall" Lin stated going back to her work, Her voice rather serious.. or how she ordered people.. eh.. Kaiya didn't care..

Kaiya smirked and moved her feet up higher, her shoes barley gripping on the metal; Lin briefly  looked up before finishing  up her sentence on the paper and looked at Kaiya, She put one hand on the table and moved her right causing Kaiya's chair to fall. The Teenager yelped in shock as she almost fell back but the chair quickly moved forward again, Kaiya caught herself on the desk, 

"That is just mean!" 

"I don't know what you mean, your foot must've slipped" Lin snickered, Kaiya kept herself from smiling and took a deep breath, She moved her left hand in then out to blow a small breeze knocking Lins glasses off and moving her pen off the paper; The Woman looked up rather surprised but soon smiled, "You-.. Damn Kid, That's impressive for only being here for a week, great job!" Lin exclaimed as the door opened.

"Hello I am here for the interview-" "I would of appreciated a knock" Lin snapped causing the male to flintch.. Nexus peaked his head in and smiled at Kaiya before quickly blushing.. She didn't... She showed her body was.. not what he expected.. Nexus looked and noticed the older male he was with staring at Kaiya aswell... Nexus was disgusted.. He noticed Kaiya quickly look herself up and down nervously and Chief Beifong getting ready to speak..

He quickly took off his jacket, "Hey.. Do you mind taking my jacket? You seem cold" Nexus urged walking forward and held the jacket out.. It was a black jacket that would probably look like a trench coat on her. "Yeah, Yeah I am.. Thanks" Kaiya muttered taking the jacket and quickly putting it on.

The other male sighed, "Chief can we ask you to leave?" He asked..

Lin quickly looked at Kaiya whom nodded, "I suppose I could get.. something done" Lin sighed standing up but motioned Kaiya into her chair.. Lin refused to have Kaiya kneer the.. late thirties or early fourty's douchebag...

Kaiya quickly stood up, "I'll probably be right outside or in the general area".

They waited until the woman left to start the questions. "From my friends questions here from last night, You weren't raised by your parents.. So, What was it like from your memory?",

Kaiya thought for a second, "Happy, I have five cousins, One older, four younger-" "Did you have to fight for attention?" The male interrupted causing Kaiya to glare at him, "No, Never! They loved me very much as..." Kaiya stopped to.. she didn't know why she stopped. "Are you sure? You got defensive very quickly-" "I'm positive, They loved me and I never felt like I had to fight for attention" Kaiya stated, Nexus nodded and wrote that down.

"What about with your parents?" 

".. No.."

"Why did you hesitate? Do you not get enough attention? I mean I would be surprised. A Busy Father with a hard job, A pregnant step mother, three younger half siblings, and your Mother also has a very hard and busy job-"

"I get enough attention. I love My Parents and siblings.. And its a difficult situation for everyone-" "How are you adjusting to the change? how different is it?" The male asked.

Now Kaiya was really thinking.. "You don't have to answer that" Nexus said, "Yes you do" The male stated causing Nexus to glare at him, "No she doesn't-" "Thank you Nexus.. But I will.." The Fifteen year old hesitated.

"I don't know how I'm adjusting.. But it is different.. At Zaofu, My Aunt and Uncle city; I had My Uncle and Cousin, Baatar and Baatar Jr., They were the architects and often made a lot of adjustments and were.. all over the place. Then theres Kuvira, She was raised by Aunt Su and Uncle Baatar, Shes the head guard and.. my.. best friend.. Opal, Shes the next under me, She loves books and dress up and makeup. Huan, He is.. his own person, He makes statues with.. meaning.. And Wing and Wei, twins and the youngest, They are outside kids, always plaing games and causing trouble" Kaiya stopped to take a breath, "Here.. Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo are.. Jinora is mature but hyper and I think she loves books, Ikki and Meelo are very hyper and.. I really don't know. Here I have to meditate and changed my diet, There isn't a lot of free time.. and I'm not how I usually am.. But with time I will adjust".

The male nodded and Nexus was still writing.

"Are you jealous of your siblings?" 

"Jealous how?" Kaiya asked, "Your siblings got their parents, probably more advanced in bending, They got raised by their parents and don't have family problems".

Kaiya looked.. hurt.. confused.. Nexus quickly noticed and said, "That's enough for today". The male glared and went to talk but Kaiya said, "Yes.. I think so aswell" Kaiya stated standing up and bowing, The older male nodded and Nexus at first confused then bowed back to Kaiya.

"I'll see you outside" Nexus snapped, the male rolled his eyes and said "Yeah yeah..".

"I'm sorry about him.. You probably know how people get but the newspaper just wants dirt on your parents.. I'm sorry if those questions got to far" Nexus said with a small comforting smile; Kaiya smiled slightly, "Its fine.. Oh and here's your jacket back-" "Keep it.. I don't want any old perverts looking at you" Nexus interrupted causing Kaiya to stop taking the jacket off; She went to say something but was stopped by his hand going up, "I might be at the island tonight.. I'm friends with Lumi.. They said you spoke with them and They like you.. So I hope to see you then".


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated anything in awhile! My mental health hasn't been good and now I think I'm sick because I feel like sh!t, SO I'm so so sorry!

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