Chapter Four

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{~ Chapter Four ~}

{~ The Past ~}

Fire, Water, Earth , And Air.

When I was much younger My Mother, Chief of Police Lin Beifong, gave me to My Aunt and Uncle, Suyin and Baatar Beifong, for them to raise me.

There My Aunt told me many stories but one of how Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko turned the Fire Nation Colonies into The United Republic Nation

I always looked up to be like My Grandfather..

But sadly Avatar Aang time had come to an end and just like the cycle of seasons... The Cycle of the Avatar became... anew..


Lin took a deep breath before walking up to Katara.. She had been nervous to come around since.. since she had messed up the Island.. The garden that was once destoryed now looked better..

She took a deep breath and walked into the dining room..

"Tenzin, You have to understand- Oh hello Lin! It's amazing to see you!" Exclaimed Aang with a smile, "Lin! We're happy to hear your okay! Especially with that last criminal, How have you been?" Katara asked...

Ah yes her last criminal..

He was a Firebender and a kidnapper with much more.. He always kidnapped females with black or brown hair, and usually water.. somtimes Earthbenders.. And She with a few other cops managed to get him after a long chase and an even longer fight..

"Good.. and yeah.." She muttered.

Tenzin by now was already standing up and walking out, He briefly stopped next to her and looked over.. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly and emotionlessly, some worried lingered; She looked over at his black eye.. regret showed in her eyes".. Yeah" She answered causing Tenzin to nod and walk out.

Aang and Katara shared a look before looking at the Woman.. She looked nervous.. she was fiddling with her fingers and bitting her bottom lip.. not looking them in the eyes..

Katara quickly went to her side, "Lin.. Honey What's wrong?" She asked putting an arm around Lin..

She wasn't one to show these emotions..

"I-I.. Can you two come over for dinner tonight?.. it's important and I can't say it here and-" "Of course Honey.. We'll bring food" Katara said using her left arm to move hair out of Lins face..

"Thank you both.. I-I have to get back to work now.. 7PM?".


Lin looked at the couple and took a deep breath..

"I'm-... I'm pregnant... And it's Tenzin's kid.."

The two went quiet and just stared at her.. How in the spirits name to they respond?

"I don't want him to know.. I just thought you two had a right to know... And-"

"I'm excited.. I'm gonna be Grandfather! And I respect your wishes" Aang said smiling at the Woman..

Lin smiled sadly at him, "I'm going to be a grandmother... How far along are you?" Katara asked softly with a smile, "A Month.. Maybe a little over.." Lin hestated..

Katara smiled at her, "If you have any questions.. I would love to help in anyway possible!".


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