July Chapter 22

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We come out of that office and I breathe this deep sigh of relief

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We come out of that office and I breathe this deep sigh of relief. I feel like I've had weight lifted off of my chest and I can finally breathe right again.

I haven't felt this relaxed since the day after my birthday when my Uncle Coog had taken me back to his cabin, wrapped me up in blankets handed me a cup of tea and put Disney movies on the TV to help me calm down.

I had showed up at his bar crying. Then I spent the rest of the day on and off sobbing, but it wasn't until I told him what I had heard Bryce say that he felt no other choice then my parents to tell them that something had happened and they needed to come up North ASAP.

My parents had showed up a full 24 hours later which was miraculous because my mother was in New York going over depositions for an upcoming case and my father had been in Milan for some press release for Riley Wear.

But they had dropped everything to come to me in my time of need. I wasn't surprised that they managed to get me out of the Polished Elite contract I never should have signed. Now I just had to see if Earth and Body would take me back, because if they wouldn't that meant I'd be going to work for either my mom or my dad. And I didn't know which one was worse.

They door shuts behind us and my mom's phone rings, followed closely by my father's. Both of them wince at me. "It's alright," I say. "You can go, I'll be fine."

"We'll have lunch together," my mom tells me. "Just let me take this work call. Stay right here."

My mom walks just a little way away from me, my dad pats my arm as he walks in the opposite to take his own call.

I'm alone for all of two seconds before Bryce comes barrelling out of his dad's office. His shoulder checks mine and he stumbles to a stop. I was unnecessarily cruel in that office, telling his step-dad how he truly felt, especially since I knew it was a secret that he had only told me.

He turns to me, an uncanny red on his face, and what seems to be the beginning of tears in his eyes. "How could you?" he snarls.

"About as easily as you could pretend to like me just to get a permit," I snap back.

"I did like you, Rory!" he cries. "Sure it started out like a ploy but I did actually start to like you! It wasn't all an act! And even if you don't believe me, that doesn't excuse what you did!"

"I see."

Both Bryce and I freeze, cause I know who's smug voice is interrupting our argument. We both turn and Marnie is standing there glaring at us.

"And you told me that you had no interest at all, that this was all just some act to get the permit. So who are you lying to Bryce? Hmm?" she asks him.

I look up to Bryce, the poor boy didn't need this right now. I outed him to his step-dad, and not to be helpful either, just to be malicious, and now he's going to have to deal with Marnie. Granted he shouldn't have lied to us both, but I already know the truth and it looks like she might murder him if she realizes that he's lied.

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