August Chapter 7

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We drove all the way up to Earth and Body in silence

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We drove all the way up to Earth and Body in silence. We went to our separate cabins to unpack and relax before Jay ends up coming to our place for dinner. But even after what could have been a great weekend none of us could muster up the energy to even pretend to be okay.

"I still can't believe she didn't tell us," I say lifting the heavy blanket that had covered us as we ate our mac and cheese.

After being wined and dined right at home, well in Rory's parents' home, going back to boxed mac and cheese had been hard. We didn't even have the name brand.

At the mention of Rory Jay took out his phone again. That to me, meant he had messaged her and she hadn't responded. That was big for Rory, she almost always responded. Especially if it was Jay.

I wasn't sure if she was playing it cool since she had come back but I sure hope she was.

Once he's done checking his phone and its back in his pocket he says: "I unno, I kinda get."

I shoot Jay a glare. He's only saying that because he's trying to be nice to her. Talking her side even though she wasn't here, like the long distance solidarity would get him brownie points. He takes in my glare and then turns to Shawn.

"The second this asshole realized she was rich he was suddenly a nice as pie," Jay says and Shawn scowls into his mac and cheese. It was true though so he doesn't say anything. "That was what she was afraid of. That we'd find out about her and we'd stop... I unno liking her."

That was true. I could see that Rory just wanted us to like her for her. But Jay isn't referencing the money at this point. He's talking about the accident. Which I also think is bullshit because she should have known that we would have seen right away that she wasn't at fault. It was an accident. She wasn't the one drunk driving.

She wasn't even driving.

I could have helped her through the stormy nights better if she had just let me in. But she chose to suffer alone and that is not my fault.

"That's stupid."

"She moved and changed everything about herself. She gave up riches and contacts and a cushy life as punishment," Shawn suddenly says. "That's dedication is what it is. And a whole lot of guilt."

That was true too. I couldn't imagine what it felt like to think that reason someone I loved was dead was... me.

"She feels like if she comes back now, we're going to treat her different..."

"You talked to her before we left?" I ask him and Jay goes a pink color. Right so he had been alone in her room with her, probably spent the night and everything. Would have been nice if I could have been included in that little heart to heart.

Though I'm also super glad I wasn't, cause there was no telling what those two did in that room alone. But I know I wouldn't have wanted to witness it.

"Right. You know what. We're not playing broken telephone anymore," I say and go to get my own phone.

On the way back to the table I dialed her number but she forwarded the call to voicemail. Wow thanks a lot bitch.

"She didn't pick up, give me your phone," I order shoving my hand, palm open at Jay.

He stares at me for a second before fishing it out of his pocket and unlocking it. "If she didn't pick up for you, why would she pick up for me?" he asked but she picks up on the second ring and that shuts him right up.

"Oh, so you'll pick up Jay's call but not mine?"

For a second Rory is quiet on the other end and then she sighs. "I knew you were calling to yell at me. Jay wouldn't call me so I figured something was wrong."

"Well, something is wrong."


"You should be here with us!"

"I... I know I just..."

"I know what you're thinking but I just... I wanted you to know that we don't think of you any different. Me and Jay anyway, Shawn is apparently a gold digger."

"Hey!" Comes out of my boyfriend's mouth but he doesn't say anything else.


"No, just listen to me. The money. The accident. None of that changes who you are to us. You're still Rory. The Rory who's clumsy and hyper and my best friend. Am I hurt you didn't trust me with this? Yes. But I also get it. But I'm also super pissed off, so come home so we can argue it out. Okay?"

"Well if you had listened, I could have told you that I only stayed behind to tie up some loose ends," she said. "Once I've got things figured out and settled, I was planning to come up. I've been keeping Lacey in the loop, I'm surprised she didn't tell you, I told her to."

My righteous indignation deflates immediately. "Oh." But it was just like Lacey to not tell us. That was so typical, and Rory should have realized that.

"I should be back sometime tomorrow or the day after. We can... argue... about everything then."

"Right," I say lamely but Jay leans in and says: "That sounds great Rory, we'll see you then, okay?"

"Thanks for calling," she says to us. "I really appreciate it. I do. Oh, and Shawn?"


"My parents say that you guys can come down any time you want, even without me. They'll email you guys the number of the house keeper so you can tell me when you're coming down."


"Kay well, I gotta go guys. I'll see you soon. Promise."

And then she hangs up the phone. Leaving us there and all of us are smiling, for completely different reasons.

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