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I was just sitting on my couch after a long day when I turned on the news to see one of my own cases being talked about. I always loved hearing how freaked out the reporters were when I randomly attacked, there wasn't a pattern or anything because I just do it on a job to job basis, so they're always baffled. The headline that was on the screen was 'The Dry Land Drowner Strikes Again!', I love that little name they gave me. Not like I have an actual villain name they usually use, but dry land drowner is pretty dope too. The reporters usually just used 'Tsunami' when referring to me, but sometimes they used my little 'trait' name instead. Dry land drowner refers to the way I kill my targets, I liked the idea of having a little 'thing' to my kills, so I decided on filling the lungs of all my victims with water until they died. I always left the bodies out in the open so they could be made public, and I'd get all the attention for the kills because they always had some water escaping their mouths. 

No one's come even close to catching me, I'm basically invisible when it comes to my jobs; I did them at night and disguised myself so no one knew what I actually looked like. 

"Breaking News! We just received word that a training camp for UA was attacked by the notorious League or Villains or LoV. What are the heroes planning on doing now? They've even let one of the students get captured, how're they going to recover from this massive blow to their reputation as our protectors?" Ooo, finally something more exciting than me. I've been watching the LoV for a while now, ever since their attack on the USJ I've been more and more interested in them. I did a little bit of research and discovered several of them are Stain followers, which of course I liked, and they were after the death of All Might and everyone who stands with him. 

I liked that less, but it was understandable. Right now, the world had too many fakes, and the real ones were extremely few and far between. The hero world needed to start over, and that green haired kid was gonna be the leader of the new heroes. But, since he loves All Might, is the LoV gonna kill him? Or try to anyway? Stain thought that kid was worth saving, so I don't want him to die quite yet, but there's not much I can do about that right now...

While the news went on and on about some of the villains and their plans, I got a call.

'Yo. This a job?'

'Yes, we need to get rid of someone. We're willing to pay 10k for it to be done. More if necessary, but as soon as possible.'

'You have my attention. What are the details?'

'Name is FireFeather, he's the second best sidekick at Hawks' agency right now, and he locked up several of our guys the other day. We need him out of the picture if our operation is gonna continue.'

'Oh, yea I've heard of him. What's the timeframe?'

'Like I said, as soon as you can. We'll pay more for an expedited removal, if you get what I mean. If you could do it tonight-'

'Fine. Listen, I want 10k in my account before 22:00 tonight, and I want an additional 5k when the death comes on TV since you want it done so quickly. That work for you? Or are we gonna have a problem~'

'N-no. That'll be fine.'

'Good.' I hung up and put my head in my hands. It was 19:50 right now, and I just got back from a rather long and boring job. Goddammit I really just want to sleep right now, but I never get jobs for people over at my dear brother's agency. I guess it's worth it. I got off of my couch, leaving the news on in case something cool popped up, when I got a great idea. They always televise my kills, especially the ones that are sidekicks or pros, what if I send the league a little message through this one? I could carve 'LoV?' onto the guys stomach, they'd love that; especially the vampire blonde girl. I laughed to myself before heading towards my bathroom to get ready for the eventful night I had planned. 

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