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December 16

Two full days have passed since Y/n got shot; since he was still recovering from the wound, he was still in the hospital but was to be moved into Tartarus soon. Hawks checked in on him often, but was never allowed inside the room; nor was any other hero for that matter. The only people allowed inside the room were doctors and occasionally nurses, this was because they didn't know when exactly he'd wake up or how much energy he'd wake with. The hero's main concern was Y/n taking a hostage and possibly escaping that way, even though he was being housed in the most secure part of the hospital, Endeavor insisted that they be careful.

As for the league, well they were just trying to contain both Shigaraki and Dabi. Shigaraki would never admit it, but he had actually gotten quite attached to Y/n and almost lost his shit when everything had gone down. The only thing keeping him from just attacking right away was the fact that Y/n was still probably injured and they'd have to be careful to rescue him without hurting him further.  Shigaraki was also the only one who was able to keep Dabi at bay, he could tell Dabi was ready to go at any second and was willing to do whatever it took to get Y/n back, and while he was happy Dabi was so energetic, it made him reckless. 


Dark. My eyes must be closed then. I can't feel any snow around me so I'm not outside anymore, and- there's something on my forearms. Fuck, those are restraints- I won't be able to move my arms around even if I try to. I think my feet are strapped too, that means I definitely got captured which explains the pain in my shoulder. This was the one thing that made me different from a lot of different criminals; I always felt my way around things before making a move in case there are people watching. Even though I could feel myself slightly panicking, I kept my heart rate steady and just tried to think about how I was restrained and what I might be able to do to increase my odds of escape. What even happened? I was sitting outside trying to not focus on how cold I was, then after I heard Touya call out to me, I stood up- no. I didn't even stand all the way up before I was falling back down... There was a loud bang too, so I must have gotten shot. Then- Fuck, there was heat, I remember feeling something hot right before I passed out. That might have been a person, I was super cold then so practically anything felt hot at that point. 

I decided to open my eyes and try to get a feel for which hospital I might be in, or where else in town I could be if I wasn't in a hospital. I took a look around the room I was in and determined that I was indeed in a hospital still, and in a wing I'd never seen before. Most of the medical equipment looked normal but it was a darker color than the normal machinery, and the walls as well as the bed I was in were darker colors as well. Must be some sort of villain wing for the hospital or something, it's probably harder to get in and out of here too.  Surprisingly, I was still in the jeans I had worn when I got taken out, although my shirt was gone and in its place was just a bunch of bandages around my shoulder. I was angled up a bit so I wasn't just laying flat on my back which was nice, but besides that I was fairly uncomfortable. There was electronic looking cuffs on each of my wrists in addition to the straps keeping them down so I figured they were probably quirk suppressants of some kind. 

My shoulder wasn't bleeding, or at least it didn't look like It was so I assumed they patched me up pretty well after I got shot. That'll make it easier for me to get out of here, as long as I'm somewhat mobile I'll be fine. I'll have to work to get these suppressants off though, I don't think I'll be able to get out of this one on my own otherwise. Although, I shouldn't count out the possibility that Touya and the others may try to get me, but if Shiggy uses his brain at all he'll realize that it's better for them if I do this without them. Since Keigo betrayed us, they'll have to find a new place and soon, otherwise as soon as the heroes have the manpower, they'll go in and try to take everyone. 

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