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Endeavor was heading straight for Dabi and Y/n's table, for a reason they didn't know and both of them were starting to get tense. Although there was no reason for either of them to be suspected of anything, they were both still very unsure of what the number one hero wanted from them. 


As Endeavor got closer focused my attention on Touya and trying to get him to act as normal as possible in order to avoid any conflict.

"Listen," I whispered to him, "You don't have to say anything, let me handle this. I don't want you to freak out and blow our cover so just calm down and act mute or deaf or something." He nodded and pulled his phone out to distract himself. I decided then to get up and meet Endeavor before he got to the table so there was an even smaller chance that Touya would have to talk to him or interact with him at all.  "Hey! Is there something I can help you with Endeavor?" 

He didn't look angry or tense at all, so I started to relax. "Shouto was telling me that you saved a couple of his classmates without even using your quirk; that's incredibly impressive. He also said you're not even a licensed hero or sidekick of any kind; I'd like to change that. Someone who can save heroes in training must have talent unlike any other, and those are the type of people I want working at my agency. What do you say?" He's.. He's offering me a job? That's what this is about? I'd rather die than work for him, but maybe I should for the League? I could get some serious intel from working there, but it'd also be a lot easier for my cover to get blown. 

"I really appreciate the offer, but I'm not looking for work right now. I also don't tend to get along with fire type quirks so I really don't think I'll fit in there." He looked a bit disappointed, but he nodded. 

"Well, if you ever change your mind just come by my agency's building and I can arrange for you to work there. I also doubt that second part, because the guy you're with over there is a fire type, but I'm sure you have your reasons." How does he know? Touya hasn't used any fire since we got here, how... The hero then laughed, I must have looked pretty confused because he started explaining, "Since I work with mostly fire type quirks I can almost sense when there's one nearby; and that guy there has quite a powerful fire quirk..." He looked past me to the back of Touya's head and he made a move to walk towards him but I put a hand up in front of the hero.

"Please don't approach him. He isn't very social and it took everything in me to get him to come here tonight so I'd appreciate it if you gave us some peace for the rest of tonight." He looked confused, but ultimately gave up. 

"Of course. Also, you're Hawks' brother right?" WHY why are we bringing that up. Please just go away for the love of GOD. "He seems pretty down every time he runs into you; why is that?" 

"Sorry number one, but our family issues aren't any of your business. Now, if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to my date and I'm sure you want to get back to your kids. Have a good evening." I turned away from him as he wished me the same and I went to sit back down with Touya. "Jesus Christ that was terrifying."

"Did he fucking offer you a job?! And thanks for saving my ass back there. I honestly don't know what I would do if he actually came and tried to talk to me like a normal person." We both laughed, and soon our food had arrived. We were both grateful for the distraction and devoured our plates; everything tasted incredible. "Wow, you were right about this place Y/n. I'd say we should come here more often, but it seems to be their  favorite place to eat as well and I really don't want to run into them again." I nodded; I didn't want to run into all of the Todorokis again either. I didn't mind seeing Shouto every now and then, but I hated Endeavor as much as Touya did, especially after hearing about what he did to them as kids. 

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