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Y/n was just waking up, and after lazily glancing at the clock on his nightstand he determined it was almost 10. He rolled out of bed and went into his kitchen to get some food started while he finished up Dabi's laundry. He was fairly tired this morning after spending several hours on his computer ordering the stuff that Shigaraki had wanted for the League.

At the League's warehouse, Dabi was still fast asleep and showed no signs of waking up soon. Most of the members were laying low right now, and not going outside or into the city unless they really needed to; keeping a low profile until everything blew over was hella important right now. 


I put some toast in the toaster, and even got an egg cooking while I checked on the laundry situation. I had thrown Dabi's clothes into the dryer last night, so they should be fine now; hopefully nothing wrinkly. As I folded his clothes I noticed how torn apart they were. Is this really his only outfit? Does he not at least change shirts, if not pants too? Maybe I'll order him some spares, constantly being in filthy clothes seems horrible. It'd been a long time since I lived like that, ever since starting work on the black market, I'd been making plenty of money to live a clean lifestyle. I had tons of clothes and disguises, lots of different hygiene products and hair dyes, my apartment was nice and put together, on the outside I seemed like a very well put together guy. I lightly laughed to myself thinking about how ridiculous it was that I lived so well considering just the other day I carved a message into a guys stomach after flooding his lungs and leaving him to die for a chunk of money. 

Once I finished with Dabi's clothes, I sprayed the tiniest bit of my cologne on them so he would smell nice for a little bit. I then got my breakfast together and put the news on while I ate. 

"News in the FireFeather case, supposedly a purple haired mystery man went into the agency asking for the former sidekick's whereabouts. He and the secretary seemed to get along well, but he wore a mask and never directly faced one of the cameras so we don't know all that much about what he looks like, but I guess that's par for the course with Tsunami."

I loved playing mind games with them, right now they're on the look out for somebody with purple hair and that's the only thing they have to go on! They don't know anything else, and they never will. As I was thinking to myself, I felt my phone lightly buzz in my pocket, so I took it out and saw Keigo's number was the reason. Great. He probably want's to schedule our little 'coffee talk' time. 

Keigo < hey y/n, you asked for my schedule for next week and it looks like I have the afternoons off both Tuesday and Wednesday. u wanna try either of those days? >

Y/n < good morning keigo. Tuesday afternoon sounds good, but if u start annoying me I'll just leave so I hope you're aware of that. we ain't friends yet. >

Keigo < I get it. I'm just happy ur willing to try :) >

Y/n < you're welcome. > 

Wait do I have anyone in the league's number? That's rather dumb I need to be able to contact at least shiggy and Dabi, maybe I'll just go over to the warehouse today and hang out with them instead of just having Dabi come pick up his shit and leave. I need to get to know most of them better anyway. I finished off my breakfast, and slipped into a pair of black ripped jeans and a darker blue long sleeved shirt. It had a small wave design on the breast pocket, but was plain otherwise. Once I finished tying my shoes, I grabbed Dabi's things, a jacket incase it got cold, and left my apartment. 

I timed myself this time, and it took me about fifteen minutes to walk from my apartment to the warehouse comfortably. Running, it would probably take me about half that. When I arrived, Toga greeted me with a small hug and pointed over to a lump of a person. Dabi's still sleeping? It's almost 11 now, and he's on the floor there's no way that's comfortable. 

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