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Y/n's mind was racing as his gaze settled onto the hero standing in front of him; Dabi still hiding in his room not far away. Somehow, Hawks had pieced together that Y/n was Tsunami and that he was probably dating Dabi. Under normal circumstances Y/n would have killed him right then and there, but this time Hawks had been talking about joining the league of villains and he wasn't making any immediate moves to call for backup or attack.


Should I deny his accusations? I could claim that I don't know what he's talking about, but lying would seem super lame. He seems pretty confident in his words, so at this point it'd probably be better for me to own up to it, or at least parts of it. I unclenched my hands and crossed my arms over my chest in an attempt to calm myself down. I let out a broken chuckle, and started to reply to him,

"I guess you're not as dumb as you look. What gave me away?" I noticed him do a quick look around the room before replying; I figured he was still trying to figure out whether or not Touya was still here and where he'd be if he was. 

"The first time I saw you, your hair was a bit purple and the villain who killed MY sidekick also had purple hair. I brushed that one off though because I figured it was just a coincidence." He sat back down at my table, but I stayed standing. "You also said you bounced around from job to job, and that in itself was a little weird considering how much money you appear to have. The most obvious thing though was how your neck and arms are bandaged in the same place as the person I fought the other night, and your hair is again tinted purple." Well damn. He got me.

"You've gotten more observant over the years. Now," I said, walking over towards the sink and turning it on so there was a constant flow of water near me, "What's your next move? Gonna go run to your precious Endeavor and turn me in? Or are we gonna have a fight in my dining room. I'd like to avoid the second one if at all possible, I really like this apartment~" Keigo laughed a bit before shaking his head and standing up again to face me eye to eye.

"I told you; I'm gonna give being in the league a shot. If I reported you or fought you, it'd mean the whole league of villains would be after me and I'd never be able to gain their trust. I'm not here to get on your bad side even more, I just wanted you to know what I was planning. We cool?" God dammit I cannot tell if he's lying or not. If what he says is true, then I can just tell him to get lost and that I'll have the league contact him soon. BUT if he is lying, and I send him on his way, he'll probably send Endeavor or whoever straight here and Touya and I will be done for. Speaking of- should I get him out here? Maybe he can help me figure out what to do with Keigo... "You don't know if you can trust my words or not, right? That's what this hesitation is about?" His eyes didn't leave mine as he asked, his stare was intense.

"Damn right. I haven't been around you long enough to know when you're lying so of course I don't know if I should trust you or not. Before I let you go, you've gotta prove to me somehow that you're serious about joining the league." He nodded understandingly, so I grabbed my phone and texted Touya to come out from my room. Moments later, I could hear the door to my room open and his footsteps approach the dining room.

"Ah, the boyfriend. Hello again Touya or Dabi; which do you prefer?" Keigo had a smug look on his face, but it soon disappeared as a blue flame formed in the palm of Touyas hand. 

"Cut the shit Hawks or I'll singe your wings right here, right now." His voice was cold and distant; very different from what I heard on a daily basis, even when he was at the warehouse.  Keigo pursed his lips together and moved his gaze from Touya back onto me. He was about to say something, but Touya beat him, "If you're smart enough to figure us out, then you must be smart enough to know that if we wanted to, Y/n and I could kill you in the blink of an eye. So I suggest you treat every word you say now as if it's crucial to your survival; because it is." Keigo swallowed hard before giving Touya a nod. 

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