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December  16, 12:00 (Departure to Tartarus)

With the new information presented by Y/n via his notes, Dabi and the rest of the league were able to put together a plan to get him out of the hands of the heroes. Unfortunately, the villains weren't able to figure out a surefire way to save him without using a little violence, so the whole fake persona thing wasn't going to work out. Or rather, they were too impatient to try and use it; Dabi and Shigaraki wanted Y/n back as soon as possible, and since they had a way to track him a more violent way was going to work out better. Compress had tried to persuade them otherwise, because he thought it'd be better for everyone if they used his fake identity, but he was for the most part unsuccessful. But he did still have a few tricks up his sleeve like any good magician..

Hawks POV

Right now, Y/n was unconscious and strapped down to a stretcher that was being loaded into one of the hero commissions armored vehicles. I'd heard from Endeavor that he tried to tell the chief of police that he was a different person, and that because of that there was going to be a full investigation. At first, I figured it'd be thrown out completely because of how many big names can confirm that he is Y/n Takami, and I can confirm that Y/n Takami is Tsunami. However, as I've learned from being with the league for so long, Y/n's a hell of a lot smarter than I ever gave him credit for. 

"Hey Hawks get your head out of the clouds, we've got a job to do here." Endeavor's harsh voice rang clearly in my ears as I focused back on what I was doing; I was in the armored vehicle guarding Y/n with Endeavor as we headed towards Tartarus. 

"Sorry number one, just lost in thought I guess."

"Well don't be. If we lose this guy because of you, I'll make sure you regret it." He was glaring at me now, and I just shook my head at him. We're co-workers aren't we? Does he not get that we're actually on the same side here, it's not like I actually joined the league. Plus this is my fucking brother we're taking to the worst prison in the country, I think I reserve the right to be a little spaced out right now. My eyes rested on Y/n who was still asleep, although he looked troubled. I soon found out why as his arms and legs started pulling on the restraints and his eyes flashed open; now fully awake. Endeavor had a fire ball in his hand ready, and I had one of my feather swords pointed at him as he gasped for air and took in the scene around him. 

"Wh-where- Wait, now Hawks is here too? Jesus, whoever Y/n is must be a real piece of shit to need the top two heroes as guards." There it is, his fake personality. He must have real confidence in this person he created to be lying so profusely to both of us. 

"Cut the act bird, we know who you really are. Look, I don't know how you managed to wake up but you better not make a scene, I want this to go smoothly." Endeavor had increased his flame, and Y/n turned his head away from it in disgust. 

"I don't know why I'm awake either but I really would prefer to keep my eyebrows, thank you very much. Also I really do not know what you're talking about. I was meditating out in the snow because I had heard from one of my hippie friends that it's a good activity to do if you want to learn more about what you're like in dire situations. As I was finishing up, I got shot and all of a sudden I'm being treated like the scum of the earth." He's really trying huh? I guess I gotta give him credit, if I wasn't the one who knew they were the same person I'd probably believe him. Endeavor backed away from him, and he laid back in the stretcher, now more relaxed. That was, until our vehicle came to a rather abrupt stop in the middle of the bridge. 

Dabi POV (December 16, 11:50)

At least we have a solid plan now, and if Compress's little idea works out then Y/n might be able to keep his double livelihoods intact. The plan was rather complex at parts, but I got the basics and my role down well enough to execute it without failure. My job was to first create a huge fire and collision so that the vehicle carrying Y/n wouldn't be able to get to the prison, or make it fully through the bridge at least. After that, I was supposed to throw down the marble that compress gave me and then immediately move to help dispose of Hawks and Endeavor. I didn't know what was in the marble or what Compress was planning, but I didn't care all too much because taking down Hawks and/or Endeavor was my main priority. While the heroes try to deal with my destruction, Shigaraki will disintegrate the vehicle that Y/n is in, and Compress will throw a marble to capture him in so we can easily transport him back to the safe house. While all this is going on, Twice and his duplicates as well as Toga, Spinner, and some smaller villains will be taking on any extra guards and heroes that get in our way. 

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