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The morning after the Hawks incident.

Both Dabi and Y/n had slept well that night, enjoying the fact that they were in the same place for once. Before he slept, Dabi had to take a rather angry phone call from Shigaraki who was demanding why Dabi had to spend the night there instead of with the league. Dabi lightly explained what had happened with Hawks that afternoon, and although Shiggy understood he still didn't like the idea of Dabi staying somewhere where he could so easily get exposed. However, Dabi refused to leave for reasons he wouldn't disclose to Shigaraki, which pissed him off, and the call ended on a sour note. 

Y/n's body was in shock from falling from a height like that, but once he got some food and started falling asleep, he felt much better. Plus, he knew that his best friend was just outside his door if he ever needed anything, and that comforted him more than he could ever admit. 


What time is it? Feels like I slept for a year. I checked my phone, and it was noon! How did that happen?? I've never slept in that late before, even after taking melatonin. I got up and walked out from my room into the living room and saw Dabi was still asleep on my couch, he had a blanket wrapped around him and he was facing the back of the couch. Aww, wait- does he have socks on? I carefully moved the blanket from his feet and yup- he slept with socks on. He really is a psychopath, I should have known he'd be the type to sleep with socks on. I held back a laugh as I walked over to the bathroom and got the shower going. As I was cleaning my wings, I noticed that in the commotion yesterday, I had lost a few feathers and there was dried blood coating the now empty places. It stung as the hot water ran over them, but I cleaned the dirt out of the small wounds and when I got out of the shower, I patted the spots down until I was sure they weren't gonna bleed anymore. 

My apartment was rather warm today, so I just slipped on some sweats and called it good as I was now super hungry and I figured Dabi wouldn't care all that much. When I re-entered the living room, Dabi had woken up and was currently putting away the blanket and pillow he had gotten out for last night. 

"Morning, Staples. I hope my couch was ok last night." He turned at the sound of my voice, and after taking a moment to notice my appearance, I noticed his face start to change color as he turned away from me to hide it. 

"Yeah, no it was fine really. Very comfortable- you're feeling better I'm assuming? Y'know since I didn't have to come drag you from your bed." I laughed, and he finally turned to face me again; his face was back to normal and I was almost disappointed. 

"Yeah, after the pampering I got from you yesterday I'm good as new~" I gave him a smirk and he  gave me a playful smile in return. 

"Yeah, well you better be extra grateful, cuz I sure got an earful from Shiggy last night after you went to bed. He's pissed as hell that I spent the night." That's surprising, why didn't he just go back to the warehouse then? Surely he wouldn't want to cause trouble like that for Shigaraki but he stayed anyway? 

"I'm surprised Shigaraki has such a problem with it. My place is as safe as any other; plus I was more or less injured last night and you were just trying to make sure I didn't die. I can talk to him at some point, I don't think it'd be a bad idea for you to be able to stay here sometimes." We walked over to my fridge and I started looking through what I had for brunch.

"Yeah, you can if you want to- I don't mind either way. He's just worried that somehow I'd get found out or something if I stay here for too long." I nodded, and pulled out a small fruit salad I had made yesterday morning and decided that it was gonna be my brunch for today. 

"Sounds good. Also, you can help yourself to anything in there; I'm not cooking anything so if you want breakfast or lunch you'll have to pick from what's in there right now. Oh! I also had another question about yesterday." His head was still stuck in the fridge but he replied,

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