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{Slight manga spoilers regarding Dabi's origin ahead ! This is also a longer chapter, I try to keep them around 2500-3000 words but this is about 4300 oop}

The walk back to Y/n's apartment this time was much quieter, and he was completely entranced by the stress of going into the hero school to TEACH the brats. He wasn't a huge fan of kids because, well they were idiots and he didn't like having to deal with them; saving them from dangerous situations was a different thing though. He didn't want anybody, especially kids, to grow up the same way he did so he tried to save them when he could, but if it was too much of an inconvenience he'd drop it in a heartbeat. The main reason he even saved the UA kids was because he knew that if he did he might be able to build up a good relationship with some of them and have gain easy access to important hero information. He'd do whatever he needed to in order to get the league, or mostly Shigaraki (or Shitgaraki as Dabi called him), to trust and respect him. 


It's gonna kinda suck to be going behind Eraser's back since he's like the only other really good hero out there, but oh well. I'll do what it takes to spend more time with Dabi. Speaking of, I remembered that I needed to call him once I got home, god he was probably gonna be pissed. I lightly chuckled to myself at the thought of Dabi scolding me for getting involved with heroes, and I soon found myself climbing up the stairs in my apartment building up to my floor. As I approached my door, I saw that there were fresh finger prints on the door knob, meaning that there was someone inside my apartment right now. 

I felt myself tense up as I got out one of my knives and folded my wings into my back so I could move quickly if I needed to. I tried the door handle, and it was unlocked like I suspected so I quietly opened the door and snuck in, careful to not alert the person who was currently residing on my couch. I only saw black hair, and although Dabi had black hair, I figured he would have let me know if he was coming over. I silently approached the couch, staying low enough so my reflection wouldn't be seen in the TV before quickly grabbing onto the person's hair and yanking their head backwards so I could see their face. My knife was at their throat now as well, threatening to slice it open if they moved so much as an inch, but my grip soon relaxed as I realized it was indeed purple skin that my knife was resting on. 

"Dabi what the fuck?! You should have said something I almost sliced your neck open you idiot." I took my knife from his neck and released his hair as he grinned at me.

"Sorry, I kinda wanted to see what you were gonna do. Terrifying by the way, I didn't even hear you come in or get near the couch." I sighed, and came around the front of the couch and sat down next to him, resting my head on the back cushions. "So, explain every detail. I wanna know what's goin on." He poked my side and I glared at him, but started explaining how the kids got in trouble and how I saved them. So far he seemed pretty chill, he understood me wanting to help them out, and he was glad I had a way to kinda erase my quirk from the crime scene. 

"And yeah, so now Eraser Head wants me to come into his classroom tomorrow and explain how I managed to save them without using a quirk while still not making a huge mess." That got him though; his face went from 0 to 100 real quick. 

"You're doing WHAT? You are going to a school MADE FOR HEROES and covered in pros to TEACH the UA brats about how to defend themselves? How stupid can you be, you're gonna get exposed. Or you're-" I quickly put a hand over his mouth and turned to face him. 

"This is why you shouldn't interrupt me, I'm not done yet Staples. Listen," I took my hand off his mouth and rested it in my lap, "I could have easily said no with zero consequences and zero negative repercussions, but in saying yes I gain access to all sorts of information regarding the heroes who work at UA, the quirks of the kids in class 1-A, and possibly information on their inner-workings. Eraser Head already trusts me a bit because he knows that Hawks and I are related, and I saved the lives of two of his students." The purple skinned boy in front of me finally nodded, admitting I wasn't in the wrong for accepting Eraser's invitation. 

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