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The morning of the date; Saturday October 2, 09:34.

Shigaraki and the rest of the league woke up before Dabi and Y/n did, so they were fairly confused as to why Y/n was even there. Toga ended up explaining to them what she had overheard them talk about the night previous, and when Dabi finally woke up he filled in the details. Y/n was exhausted from his job so he was sleeping in as much as he could, and now he was much more comfortable; Dabi had moved him onto his mattress after he had woken up. The rest of the league decided to try to not wake him as they didn't want Dabi mad at them, and he was always the one buying their food so they thought the least they could do was let him sleep peacefully.

Right now, the only thing that Dabi could think about was the fact that he had NO formalwear.  Nothin fancy, nothing besides his day to day clothes really. 

Dabi POV

I'm sure Y/n has something I could wear, but that'd be so weird. Hey let me take you out to dinner but uhhhh, can I have some clothes to wear cuz I don't have any of my own. Real classy. FUCK what am I gonna do?! I can't do that, but I also don't actually have money to buy something and there's no way in hell any of these dirtbags have anything. I guess I could steal something, but its daytime now and trying to steal an entire suit would be nearly impossible. WAIT- I could just find somebody who looks wealthy and mug them, that way I could "buy" the suit and not have to try and steal one. 

I wished I had thought about attire early on this week because then I could have just stolen one at midnight or something, this was gonna be slightly harder. But, it'll be worth it. Anything is worth it for this evening. I told the idiots that I was going out and to let Y/n know that I probably wouldn't be back all too soon so he shouldn't wait for me. I applied a fresh layer of the facial covering and I basically looked normal, or as normal as I could look anyway. I wandered into the downtown district and around the areas that were crowded where it'd be easy to pickpocket people without them realizing it right away. 

After running away from home, I had basically become a pro at stealing wallets and purses. Y'know you did what you had to do in order to survive those circumstances. As I walked through the crowds, I managed to grab a couple wallets before things started getting chaotic and those I had stolen from started going mad. I dipped into an alleyway and dumped the wallets all in a pile with everything still in them except for any cash they had. Credit and debit cards could be traced too easily, so I only wanted to deal with cash. The amount I had now was maybe half what I needed, so I went on my way to find another unsuspecting crowd. 

Y/n POV - 11:15

My neck and arms were sore from the injuries I received from my lovely brother, but other than that I was rather comfortable right now. It took me a minute to realize it, but I was currently on Dabi's mattress- which meant he must've woken up before I had. In the warehouse, I saw Spinner and Toga, so I figured the others were probably out and about or getting something to eat. 

"Hey sleeping beauty it's about time." Oh Spinner, how I  h a v e n ' t  missed your commentary. 

"Good morning lizard, where's the purple dude at? There's no way in hell I'm spending the day with you, so please tell me where he is so I can leave." He gave me a glare but I just returned it with a cheesy grin. He then decided he wasn't gonna say anything, and left; leaving me with just Toga. Now, don't get me wrong; I love Toga. She's insane it's great; she's just sometimes a lot to deal with, and honestly she's too smart for her own good. I'm 99% sure she already knows Dabi and I are dating, she's just being quiet about it. 

"Oh Tsunami, Dabi said he was going out a couple hours ago and that you shouldn't wait up for him cuz he doesn't know when he's gonna be back. I'm sure he'll text you when he does get back though!" He went out? What for..? 

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