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It was about noon now, so Dabi and Y/n were grabbing lunch for the rest of the League at a convenience store a couple blocks away. 


Dabi and I were walking around the store looking for some instant ramen, and whatever other decent food there was. We eventually settled on mostly instant ramen along with some snacks, deciding to go grocery shopping for real food another time. I payed for everything, and Dabi was pretty quiet while we were in the store, probably wanting to keep a low profile since everything that's gone down the past couple days. The cashier was nice, and she wished us a good day as we made our way out of the store and back towards the warehouse. 

"Quick question, why'd you let Toga just cut you like that? Doesn't it hurt?" I looked over at Dabi briefly before replying.

"Well, for one I knew who she was and that she was working with you guys so I was prepared for her to want to cut me up like that. Second, I've suffered worse injuries than that during my time in the streets, and since I work in the black market." I lightly chuckled as I spoke, and gave Dabi a slight smile that he returned. He already gives me a very sinister vibe, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been through hell once already. 

"I guess that makes sense. Shigaraki would never let her do something like that to anybody else, so you shouldn't have to worry about her asking to cut you up more." I shrugged, and we were soon arriving back at the warehouse were Shiggy, and Toga were waiting with a few others I didn't know all that well. We walked inside, and I brought the bag of food over to where the others were, along with a metal bowl we had bought for cooking the food. 

"What the hell are we supposed to do with freeze-dried ramen and a bowl? There isn't exactly easy access to boiling water idiots." It was a lizard guy who was talking, and I gave him a small smirk as I responded. Why not have some fun?

"Not to worry little lizard, I can make some water, and Dabi here will heat it up. Did you forget about quirks? They're these abilities that most people have-" I was cut short by lizard guy shoving me up against the nearest wall, almost snarling at me. I just laughed at him, "Did I hurt your feelings~" He responded by punching me in the face, and I only laughed more as Dabi pulled him off of me. "Ouch~" I rubbed the side of my face, and gave him slight pout before returning to the pot to fill it up with water. 

"My name is Spinner fucking whore." He spat at me, I just turned from the pot to him and smiled.

"Such a harsh word, I don't take those types of jobs lizard. Not all the time anyway~ Would you like to book an appointment?" He looked ready to kick my face in, but Dabi put himself in front of me and Spinner went outside. Dabi let out a sigh as Spinner went outside, and turned to me a smile on his face. 

"You really didn't need to get him so riled up. Funny, but unnecessary since you literally just joined us. Maybe let the guy trust you first?" I shrugged, and handed him the pot of water for him to boil. He held the bowl until the water inside started boiling, and I added a couple packages of the instant ramen to it. In a few minutes we had enough food made for the five or six villains in the warehouse.  "Hey aren't you gonna have some?" Dabi said looking over at me. 

"Hmm? Oh, no. I'll just eat when I get home." Dabi gave me a weird look before I realized they might not realize that I don't use 'Tsunami' all the time like they did. "Oh, nobody knows what my actual name is, so my landlord, heroes, police, all those people think I'm just a normal person. I also change my appearance whenever I take a job so even if someone sees me they don't know what I actually look like." The villains nodded, and Shiggy came up to me, grinning.

"You're gonna be an incredible asset to us Tsunami. What's your real name?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked around the room at everyone watching me, waiting for the response. 

Dabi x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now