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~Time Skip to Tuesday, the day of Y/n and Keigo's coffee talk~

The day had finally come for Y/n and Keigo to catch up, Keigo had been looking forward to it but Y/n felt extremely conflicted. He had set this up about a week ago, and since then, he'd been talking things over with Dabi and Shiggy. Originally, Shigaraki wanted Y/n to play the 'forgiver', as in, hear out and enjoy the time with Hawks and in the end forgive him and get closer. That way, it would be easier to gain important information - but Dabi suggested that Y/n play it normally. That way, there'd be no risk of Hawks thinking that Y/n was doubling, and Y/n wouldn't have to try to fake feeling happy even if he was pissed or upset. In the end, Shigaraki agreed with Dabi, and Y/n was allowed to go to this coffee talk as himself. 


What should I wear? I don't want to look soft, but it also can't be anything to intimidating otherwise it might lead Keigo to think I'm not the person he thinks I am. I guess black is always a good option, maybe I'll wear a colored jacket or something. I was looking through my closet and ended up picking out a pair of ripped black jeans, red converse, and a steel blue long sleeve with a black t-shirt on top of it. I decided to not wear a jacket because I was already layering with the shirts and if I wore a jacket too I'd just get hot; plus Keigo recognizes me mostly from the wings. I checked my phone for the address of the cafe that Keigo had sent me, and I quickly put the address into my phone since I didn't recognize it. Turns out, it was just two blocks closer to the ocean than his agency was. 

It took me about twenty two minutes to get there walking, but that was fine since I was still a couple minutes early, and I didn't see Keigo anywhere. Late to his own event? Classy dude. I went inside and found a table near the back and sat down while I waited for the red winged hero. The cafe was relatively empty, so after about five minutes the barista came over to me to see if I needed anything. She was sweet, and she talked to me while I waited for Keigo to show up, she even let me sample one of the new cookies she was selling; it was delicious. We talked for another almost ten minutes when Keigo finally showed up, and the girl started freaking out at the hero before her. 

"U-um, Hawks? C-could I get a photo?" Keigo smiled and eagerly nodded. She got out her phone and took a selfie with him before returning to the register to settle herself. 

"Hey kid, sorry to keep you waiting, something came up at the agency." He tried a smile and I just playfully rolled my eyes. 

"It's fine, I guess that's part of your job huh? You also don't need to call me 'kid' Hawks, I'm only three years younger than you; Y/n is fine." He shrugged, disregarding my request. This is why I don't like you, soo fucking arrogant. 

"Did you get anything yet?" 

"No, I was waiting for you to show up. I can order anytime though, you ready?" He nodded so we went up to the register and the barista got extra excited since we were both getting something from her. I got a quad-shot iced americano with hazelnut and cream, and Keigo got a cold brew with some almond milk. Neither of us were all that hungry so we settled for just drinks; Keigo insisted on paying for them so I let him and we went over to the hand off bar to wait for them.

"Do you wanna walk around after we get the drinks? I've been stuck in the office for too long so fresh air would be much appreciated. We could even fly around if you want to!" He sure was excited, so I nodded. 

"Yeah, but I can't drink and fly so let's just walk around." He agreed, and the barista handed him his drink, saying mine would be out in just another minute. While we were waiting for the last of the espresso to pour she asked me if Keigo and I were dating.

"Wh-what? No, he's actually my older brother. Plus I already have a boyfriend, and I'm not one to cheat." She blushed, and handed off my drink. She was trying to see if I was single, I probably shouldn't have said that. Now I'll have to lie to Keigo about actually dating somebody. I mentally face palmed as we were on our way outside. We stuck to the seaside where there weren't too many people since it was fairly overcast today. 

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